Friday, November 24, 2023

Black Friday

We're not much into the getting out there shopping with pushing and shoving and constantly feeling like you're in someone else's way.  I get a little claustrophobic with shopping crowds, for sure, so we're actually pretty happy to do much of our shopping online.  We were out for a little bit today, but not too much.  The George Department of Health finally got us that document - it took them three months, but way to go gang.  Apparently there's only one person working in this one area there serving the entire state.  We got the call, so Mom and I went out to get that certificate, and then while out we thought we'd drop by the tractor supply place there for a quick trip picking something up.  It was later in the afternoon, so surely there wouldn't be as much traffic, right?  WRONG.  Wow, there were a lot of cars out there.  We did manage to make it to our destination, and the idea was to pick up an amaryllis bulb, as the tradition is to "plant" it by Thanksgiving weekend so that we'll see blossoms by Christmas.  We'll see - if it is just afterwards, that's okay too.  

Anyway, we picked that up and some bird seed too.  The birds have been absolutely loving our seeds we've put out.  Our back porch has become this busy dining area as some colder weather sweeps in.  Speaking of colder weather, I made it to Everest Base Camp today, at least on this iFit journey of late.  It's an eighteen-part series, and after all this walking, I'm finally there.  I've still got a couple more walks around at the base of Everest, and we'll conclude that series and move on to something else.  Sixty-five walks so far and counting.  I'm getting good use of the device, and once I'm done with Everest, I'm hoping to get a few more 5k races in, a few with a Christmas theme.

We had a nice skillet breakfast this morning, and that was nice.  Mom made this massive meal for us that carried us through the day.  I finished up the piano room tree today, and that looks really nice now.  One more tree to go, the little one for Maddie's room.  This weekend I'll get the Nativity set put out and we'll have the wreaths after that.  So many decorations to go!

One thing I did today was take advantage of an expansion pack on the Nintendo, and now Maddie's playing this new game within her "Animal Crossing" game.  But I'm getting access to all these old-school N64 games, and wow.  Tonight I was playing Super Mario 64 again, and I'm loving it.  I cannot wait to get to Goldeneye and Banjo and Kazooie.  And there's Ocarina of Time too, which is still my favorite game of all time.  I haven't played it in probably twenty years, so I can't wait to revisit Hyrule.  

We've gotten a lot of our shopping done, much of it online.  Packages are left on the front porch all the time, although much of it is related to the upcoming production.  Mom has been up late and up early, working all the time on costuming and props and so on.  

Tonight we took a break to watch "Home Alone," moving forward with our Christmas movie marathon.  We've been watching a lot of Christmas stuff lately, some new things and some classics.  "Home Alone" has become mandatory viewing each year.

After that, it was just about bed time.  We read from "Wintersmith" some, and then said our prayers - time for bed.  G'night!

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