Saturday, June 17, 2023

Visit with Nana

We had a visit with Nana this afternoon, and there were plenty of smiles - and that was good.  She's got her teddy bears, and for a few hours this afternoon we were there to share pictures of our recent goings-ons, as well as bring her favorite grapes and orange cuties.  We watched a large portion of the "Trooping the Color" from England, so Nana could watch King Charles and the royals there in a very formal ceremony with plenty of equestrian choreography.  

It was a nice little visit.  Nana is decidedly weaker, and she asks certain questions with more frequency, with plenty of repetition.  But we get her on the phone with her brother in England, and then we spoke to Uncle George, her son on the phone too.  Maddie brought along her Mad-lib book, and she gets the three of us to give her words to write in, afterwards reading the story.  Those will be precious mad-libs someday, the ones that Nana contributed to.  

This morning we were at Team Edge practice, and I was grocery shopping too.  I got everything we need, except there's a coconut water shortage, and at certain stores there is a distinct lack of tater tots.  It's a Tater Tot emergency!  I got back to watch the rest of Maddie's training, and they were doing a group game, one of those mysteries where one of them was a killer, one was a healer, and one was a detective.  Maddie was the detective in the last round I saw, and she correctly identified the killer before he could viciously murder any more innocent villagers.  

It was a good morning.  Tonight after visiting with Nana, we went over to see the latest Spider-man movie,  "Across the Spider-verse."  It was a good movie, but left us with a massive non-ending, a huge cliffhanger.  The animation in this movie is amazing, and the Easter eggs are plenty.  Lots of things for us older Spider-man fans, and so much going on throughout.  We sat in our spots at the back of the theater and enjoyed the movie together, along with many others.  Spider-man is doing great at the box office, with one big hit after another, but also some great quality movies.

The three of us went to Applebee's after that, and it was a nice meal there with plenty of options for Mom.  She got ribs, of course, while Maddie and I got something to eat along with some onion rings as an appetizer.  It was a nice time together.

We got home afterwards, and we got to bed on time.  There was reading, and there were prayers.  We have an early morning tomorrow at KidPak, and it should be another nice day.

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