Monday, June 12, 2023

Lost Blog Entry

Oh wow.  It's difficult to retype a long entry once this blog has lost it.  Which it just did.  I had this big entry here, and it's never happened before where it disappeared and just wouldn't save, but here we are.  Conspiracy theorists would raise eyebrows when I mention that there was a bit in my previous writing about corruption in our government and how tax collecting services and federal investigators are sadly used to persecute American citizens because of their leanings and so on.  Some really great quotes, facts, and statistics in there too.  Also some stats about our economy and how the prices are rising, coupled with some zingers about companies making terrible decisions in regards to capitalism and so on.  Oh, you should have read it.  Nobel prize winning material right there! 

Instead, it's all gone.  So I guess let's rewrite the grocery list of things we've done today.  For the second time.  Seriously, I'm writing this now again and the wind is completely out of the sails:

There was a stop at the notary, which reminded us of our paper chase.  We're going through the process to get Maddie a new birth certificate, or at least one that isn't in Chinese.  It's a super expensive process, and could be seen as a deterrent for adoption.  I mean, it certainly doesn't help.  Anyway, the notary is part of that process, as he was notarizing a piece of paper that we had to sign that said we had signed other pieces of paper.  Or something like that. Look, I had this worded a lot better in the other entry that I wrote that this blog lost.

Anyway, we were cracking jokes at the chiropractor this morning, all three of us there for a scheduled appointment.  Which made sense after the visit to roller coasters and bumper cars last week.  But Maddie was sharing jokes with Doc Williams who was sharing jokes with us, and there was a lot of laughter there.  Yes, we were cracking jokes at the chiropractor.

Man, this is tough to write again. 

We went to Chili's for lunch today, and that was really good.  Mom had her barbecue ribs, but it was pretty pricy here.  That's the part where I wrote about inflation and how much everything is costing more.  And that led to this good bit I wrote about where companies are needing to be more careful because there's less money going around and all of us are more picky about where we shop.  Which led to this one clever bit I wrote about capitalism and how a recent culture war is going on.  Oh, you should have read it!  It was something like ....a company's stance on any social issue won't matter if they're out of business, only as a historical footnote.  That sort of thing.  I had it worded much better before.

Then I went on to write about our trip to taekwondo, where Maddie was doing her leadership class and then her black belt class.  I wrote about Maddie perhaps signing up for a martial arts camp this summer, but how she really wants to learn more self-defense.  And then I wrote about some smoked salsa that Bart and Chris shared with us, and how great it was, and how nice they were to share a jar with us.

Oh, you should have read this amazing passage after that, the one I wrote about us getting home and having salsa and chips for dinner, how we polished off that smoked salsa, pretty much emptying the whole jar.  That was nice, the three of us sampling some new salsa.

And the bit I wrote after that was about us watching another version of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."  We saw the Danny Kaye version on Saturday and now we were watching this new version, which we thought was pretty good.  It was a pretty awesome visual experience.  I had a full review with all kinds of eloquently worded prose that would have made you cry.  

I then wrote about us reading tonight, continuing with our novel we've been reading lately - and then I mentioned us praying before bedtime.  It was nearly poetry, I tell you.  

So that pretty much sums it up.  I know it's a lot shorter of an entry and I'm sorry - the other entry was an absolute masterpiece, the kind of literary opus any blog enthusiast would dream of reading time and again.  But right now, sadly this is all you're getting!

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