Sunday, January 31, 2021

Finger Log Rolling

Today we entered the fierce and competitive world of Finger Log Rolling!  Madison had won the recent game with the small group night, so Camille had sent yet another gift to her that arrived last night.  Madison opened it up and had no idea what log rolling was.  So we looked up a video or two about it, and with this little finger log rolling set is a book that explains log rolling, lumberjacks, and even flapjacks.  It's a fun little set!  So yes, we decided this afternoon to actually fill the container with water, and give it a try!

We filmed another contest, one where Madison won that time.  And I think we're getting close to ready for the official finger log rolling contests, whenever they're announced.  Just a bit more training, and I think we have a shot at winning a prize!

This morning we had two more KidPak services, of course, and Madison and I were there to serve and attend.  Madison was at the main sanctuary for the first service, and then helping with us at the second.  This morning's skit was the best one so far - you can see Dr. Avalanche above with his prized llama.  This is the one that Nana and Mom went out to get Thursday, and it was perfect for the skit.  The yeti made a huge appearance that got all the kids laughing and screaming, and of course there was a bottom line in there about Elijah on Mt. Carmel.  We were talking about what we see versus what reality is, and how we have to see with faith.  So we did some optical illusions too, showing how our eyes can easily be deceived.  We reignited the classic blue and black dress vs. gold and white dress debate, and it's still fascinating how many people see it one way while half the other people see it another.

I did my walk today when we got home, right through Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho, this during the snow.  I've been there a few times in the past in person, but never during so much snow.  It was beautiful there.  And probably cold.  This thirty-five minute walk was really good, but I wish I can get back out there some day soon.

Madison was working a lot when we got home, starting with piano practice, and then studying for Spanish.  After that, she was doing some side art project she's been working on a few days, just coloring in some grids in a nice pattern.  We'll have to share that here when it is finished.

Tonight we were watching something from the Animal Kingdom, a program we might continue watching as the week goes on.  It featured a bit about giraffes, which are pretty much my favorite animal.  So we had to watch it.  But also there was a bit with elephants, and an adorable chicken named Popcorn.

We headed to bed early tonight - tomorrow is school.  But of course we read from the Bible, from Matthew, and from "Scoundrels."  We're really getting going on the heist now!  As for the Bible reading, it was right at the point where John the Baptist died, and how Jesus needed to be alone.  Nevertheless, he was hounded by people with needs, and rather than get annoyed, he felt compassion.  He healed their sick, and even fed them - well over 5,000.  And then right after that walked on water, crossed the lake, and didn't stop healing other people as well.  Intense!

We said our prayers tonight, and said goodbye to January.  It's been a decent month, all things considered.  

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