Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Bring an Obscure Relative to Work Day

We reached the end of Narnia tonight, the end of "The Last Battle," where we see the stars fall from the heavens, the mountains crumble, the lands flooded, and Father Time awakening to remove the sun, which then results in all the land being frozen there forever.  I'm not entirely sure what happens to this massive figure of Father Time in the story, but I suspect he is now sleeping far below this earth in some comfy cavern, snoozing until the time when he must put an end to all this that goes on here currently.  We live in an unsettling time to say the least, and any hope that the new year would suddenly and quite magically change into something completely different... has been very well dashed to pieces.  The car won't start, the virus rages on even stronger now, the government is in turmoil, and the world is a place filled with bad news.  In the book "The Last Battle," the villains call upon the god Tash, but have no idea what they have summoned.  It is as if CS Lewis saw into our future, because that's how this all feels right now, as if some Pandora's box has been opened, and now no one in the world will be able to keep it shut.  

It's amongst this bleak assessment that we continue forward, and we see that the Lord is still with us, and in His presence we can find peace, guidance, and even protection.  Indeed, He has preserved us, and has taken care of us this far.  Though our immediate future seems cloudy, we walk by faith not by sight.  There is a plan, and it will be okay.

Today was Madison's last day of winter break, and it was a fun one for her.  I took her to work with me to give her a break from staying at home this week.  It was like "bring your daughter to work day," which is kind of like "Bring an Obscure Relative to Work Day," only with less monsters.

It turned out to be a full day for her, starting with a meeting where she helped myself, Joey and Camille write a skit for the six other campuses from California to South Carolina.  Part of it was on Zoom as Camille and her family are sick with the virus now, and need to stay home for a time.  To that extent, we're helping her wherever we can.

The next thing we did was easily the greatest game of Yeti Spaghetti that's ever been played in the history of the universe.  I don't think I'm exaggerating in the least.  It was tense, exciting, and featured one miracle after another.  We filmed it for this weekend's online service, with Madison using her camera to film some shots as well.  The game went on and on and on, and we added challenges along the way.  One contestant did most of the game actually with a blindfold on!  Other sudden obstacles were doing the game through a mirror, with boxing gloves on, with lobster claws on, and even spinning around on a baseball bat beforehand.

Madison said she was glad she came in today, and she kept busy and was pretty helpful too!  We got home, and found Nana and Mom were gathering up wood in the backyard, some of which we used in the fireplace tonight.  It was chilly, and we watched a movie before bedtime, another version of "Journey to the Center of the Earth."  

Before that though, there was the first big taekwondo class of the night.  It was leadership night last night, and tonight was more focused on the next belt, which of course for Madison is the black belt.  She was sparring tonight, and doing her form as well, and enjoying class.  We were enjoying it too!

Part of the theme of the year are these elections, and that's going on tonight I believe.  We voted a few weeks ago to avoid the rush.  It's going to be another one of those nights and/or days, and hopefully Georgia won't embarrass the country again, but it's what our state tends to do a lot lately, so I wouldn't count on it.

After reading tonight, we also hit the book of Judges for a few more chapters, and yep, that's about where we are right now as a nation.  We said our prayers, and we were off to sleep a little earlier.  Madison starts school tomorrow, and is looking forward to being back there!

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