Saturday, January 23, 2021

Elachee Nature Center

Today was our first trip together to the Elachee Nature Center, which is something we pass by three times a week and have lived nearby for quite a long time - but never visited.  We were walking along the trail for a while there, and I snapped this picture above at one overlook.

Madison snapped a few pictures too, using her cell phone to do some close-ups of the greenery, or perhaps some rocks or even an animal or two.

This is I believe part of a tree trunk.  I didn't get to see her take this one - she was walking along outside with us, taking pictures here and there.  It was a pretty day outside, at least compared to the previous ones so far this month.  We literally pass by the entrance to this place every time we go to taekwondo, and I had no idea how long the entrance road really was.  First we paid the five dollars to park, and then follow a driveway to this place about one mile long.  It goes through the middle of a golf course, and then actually over the interstate, and then to the nature center. 

There weren't too many people there.  We saw this bee exhibit in there, and of course all started thinking of WandaVision.  But we were a little early for animal show that drew us there in the first place, so having gotten there a little over an hour early, we decided to use the time to look around and explore.

We were outside a good while, walking along the path that was set up on a nice day.  The following pictures were taken along that outdoor walkway.  This was my walk for the day, a little more leisurely, but still a walk nonetheless, and one that took about a half-hour or so.

Squirrel!  On the first floor, or the basement of the building, there was an animal exhibit, and I was expecting something a bit more than reptiles, but that was it, and so we walked by one glass enclosure after another, peering in and looking for snakes, a few turtles, some frogs, skinks, and one tarantula.

You can see the artwork on the wall here.  We passed by some larger murals painted by different students and grade levels, some of which you can see here below.

Anyway, we timed it right and got back upstairs to a presentation room, and that's when we got to see some more animals, and a lecture about them.

More reptiles!  Other than a barn owl, that's all they have there.  If it weren't for the nice trail, you might as well call the place "Elachee Reptile Center."  Yes, I know that frogs are amphibians.  The point is, that's all we saw today.  Now, all that said, the presentation was interesting.  Madison took this picture above of the king snake, something we all got to touch.  And this lizard here from the Sahara was interesting.

And there was a turtle too.  The turtle in question wasn't able to be released out into the wild due to his smaller shell.  This place in some ways reminded me of the Marine Science Center down in Daytona.  

Speaking of turtles, Madison got a turtle souvenir in the shop, a stone necklace that she wore the rest of the day.

We left after the presentation, and everyone enjoyed themselves.  It was a pleasant diversion, and soon enough we were home enjoying dinner too.  Tonight's feature was the live action "101 Dalmatians," and after that we read from Matthew, and then from "Scoundrels."  Speaking of reading, today I finished "Moving Pictures," which was such a fun book to read.  I'll have to choose another Terry Pratchett book to pick up next, which shouldn't be a problem, as Mom got me several for Christmas.  My visit to the Discworld is a more extended one this year!

We said our prayers tonight, and then it was time to get some shuteye.  We're getting up earlier for church tomorrow, and it's going to be a great day.

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