Monday, January 25, 2021

Jellied Brains

It was an amazing night for fog, perhaps the thickest I've seen in many, many years.  It started early in the afternoon, and you could see it coming in, compiling and getting worse and worse going on.  The news station called out the Gainesville area this evening, talking about how it was zero visibility here, and that's about right.  We were on our way home from the leadership class, driving into the murky clouds and just wanting to be home as soon as possible.  We heard sirens outside tonight a few times, and were grateful to be inside.  It was as thick as... 

Well, yeah, jellied brains, I suppose.  Cyclops would say something like that about tonight.  But Yukon Cornelius would tell us it's as thick as peanut butter.  Regardless, it was remarkable.

Today was a decent day at school, where Madison was thrilled to study geometric sequencing.  Okay, not really.  Her fellow student in the accelerated class is doing the same thing, so they're right now at about the same level.  Meanwhile, Mom and Nana were over at Goodwill just hanging out.  We picked up some books there - a nice collection of RL Stine books that I've never ever read before.  Of course, I'll probably wait until October or September to read about Slappy.  Currently, I've picked up another Terry Pratchett book, "Interesting Times," that I just started today having finished "Moving Pictures" a day or two ago.  And at night, we read "Scoundrels" together - tonight's reading featured the daring rescue of Zerba and Lando Calrissian.  And wow, we do read a lot - today we were reading from the Bible, reading from the book of Matthew.

Anyway, back at the thrift store, I picked up some baseball cards, and they were about a dollar a pack, so there was some risk involved.  But lo!  I got four Randy Johnson cards, a few Barry Larkins, some Terry Pendletons, a Mickey Morandini rookie card, and more.  This prompted Nana and I to have a seat at home and go through all the baseball cards I have in my collection.  I have a whole lot, many from the seventies, including Nolan Ryan, as well as Reggie Jackson and all the Yankees from that era.  Good stuff.  Of course, I have the 90's Braves teams as well, and those were fun looking through.  We reminisced about that time I was hit by a baseball in the bottom of the ninth inning of a game versus the Expos.  I still have the ticket for that game.  Mom was on my left and a friend's wife was in the other seat.  I was in the tenth row, and wasn't paying attention at that point.  That ball got me in the jaw, and there was a team of ushers quickly escorting me to a golf cart, and then up to the top where they took a picture of me and had me sign papers while I was still stunned.  You'd think I'd get the ball or something, but nope.  I got nothing.  So my sister made me a "CERTIFICATE OF BEAMING," which I still have to this day with the rest of the baseball collection.

Madison was at taekwondo leadership as I said, working on tornado kicks, which just sound cool to say.  It's a work in progress, and she's doing great.  Her form and flexibility are great.  

My exercise today was a trip to Trout Lake in Yellowstone - on the treadmill, of course.  I walked around the lake on the treadmill, saw some otters, and just enjoyed a nice, peaceful walk.  I've been keeping it going, a brisk, half-hour walk each day on this thing.

Tonight we watched "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" together, and it was just as fun as I remember last time.  I love this movie.  We were going to see it because we saw that episode of "Prop Culture," the one that went back and found that original shrink ray.

Madison was studying ELA tonight, so we watched the first episode of "Brain Games" and that was about it for the day, really.  We prayed together tonight, and were off to bed, reading, hiding groundhogs and Frog Princes, and praying.  

Until around 2am or so when those super loud storms came around.  That kept everyone up in the region, some of the loudest storms we've had in months.  

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