Wednesday, January 13, 2021



I left this on the car outside for Mom, a nice little love note etched in frost.  Yes, we had quite a bit of frost this morning, and in fact the forecast called for that menacing "frozen fog" again.  Driving Madison off to school, I didn't see any frozen fog, and we were kind of disappointed about that.  It just sounds like something you don't want to mess with, this wall of frozen fog that you sort of have to drive quickly through, shattering the ice all around.  No, nothing like that.  But it did make for some nice pictures on the leaves.  Madison and I were snapping some of these before school.

Madison's grades have been slightly slipping, so she spent a bit of time studying more tonight, and also recording herself actually saying the Spanish words for kitchen implements while in the dining area.  We were all quiet as we listened to her speak Spanish kitchen words to her phone.  Then it was time to submit that video, and there it was, another test grade complete.

I picked her up at school after she was in the Live to Give meeting.  They've decided to host a drive where people can donate coats.  Tomorrow, Nana and Mom will likely be heading out to a thrift store or two to get some of those coats to donate, but during this sort of winter, I know a donated coat would be a greatly appreciated thing.

My script is done for Sunday, the mountaineers getting ready to conquer the untamed mountain.  The scripts have been good so far, and I'm glad to be revisiting this series.  I did a few other things today with KidPak, but I did have to pick Madison up after school, and after that, she had her small group with Camille, and that was fun.  We're back in the routine of doing half the small group at home, and then doing the second half on the road as we head over to piano class.  They're starting on a series that's all about Psalm 23, and I got to listen in.  It's been good for Madison to be a part of a group like that!

After piano, we were home, and as you can see above, that one Christmas tree is still up.  I'm so okay with that, and so is Mom.  With Nana in the house, it sort of brightens things up a bit, and gives her something to talk about from time to time.  We sat down on the couch as always, and tonight's feature was an old one, the original "Pink Panther."  I never realized how stylish this movie is, the costuming and architecture all around all just amazing.  The movie itself is fun, although Madison wasn't watching it - she was studying, and probably watching some things on her own on YouTube.

The fire was going, as you can see here.  Ye-Ye and Nana came by to donate some firewood, and that was put to good use tonight!  

Afterwards, we were getting ready for bed, reading from Esther again, and also from "Scoundrels" a bit further to see how Han Solo's big heist is going.  There's a roadblock with the Black Sun there, a criminal organization that used to be a big deal until the great purge of Star Wars fiction occurred, moving all their criminal exploits to the world of legends.  But the Falleen do have a presence in the current universe, although smaller.  Poor Prince Xizor, a fallen Falleen!  He used to command so much attention in the 90's, and now he's just a "legend."  Currently, his only appearance in canon is a tiny little appearance in the crowd at the Boonta Eve Classic in Episode I.  Even worse, his Black Sun Organization, once the pinnacle of organized crime and a rival even to the Empire, is now just a lesser presence hardly worth mentioning.

Of course, our studies in Esther tonight brought up another villain that is gone too.  Haman shows up in chapter three, all ready to wreak havoc on the Jews.  He has a chapter or two of trouble making, but like every villainous scoundrel in the Bible, he gets his comeuppance.  

We prayed tonight afterwards, and we were praying for healing for us, and for our nation.  It's been rough. We're praying though.

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