Monday, February 1, 2021

It Could Happen to You

Here we are in February, and I started it out with a walk through the Animal Kingdom.  Virtually, of course.  Madison started it off at school.  She had a science test today, and she's doing better now with that class, and in fact she's invited to honors classes in high school.  It seems like all her classes in high school will be "honors" classes, which according to teachers and administrators will make her look better for colleges.  We asked her if she was up for that, and she seems to be just fine with it all.  She's currently doing pretty well, so thus far, nothing has been overwhelming, so long as she applies herself.  Which, for the most part, she does.  

Speaking of which, tonight was leadership again at taekwondo, and we were there or a short time.  Nana and Mom came along with us, of course.  Madison was practicing with her kamas, and learning to be a thermostat, instead of a thermometer.  Be the one that makes change, instead of being changed by things around you.  That sort of thing.  Leadership class is filled with opportunities for wisdom, unusual weapons, and of course some of the choreography that the teams will be trying to memorize in the coming days.

When we got home from that, we watched an old romance movie, "It Could Happen to You," which is one of my favorites from the nineties.  There are a few in that era that were fun and safer, this being one of my favorites.  This is February, and we used to watch all these movies - but things are different this year, and we have to be a bit more selective about our choices.  Still, this one got through, and I imagine a few other romantic comedies will as well.  

It was cold today.  And it was windy throughout the night.  In fact, it was so windy that one of the gas stations nearby actually blew over.  It wasn't the building, but rather the awning over the gas pumps that just toppled over rather dramatically.  It's this big thing standing sideways alongside the road.  Thankfully, no one was hurt.  But it made for some big 

Of course, we read tonight.  I've been happy to be reading from the book of Matthew each night, and really you do find new things to learn each time you read.  We read from "Scoundrels" after that, and after that, it was time for prayers and sleep.  The Frog Prince keeps singing, and the llama keeps showing up in different places, along with the groundhog.  Oh, tomorrow's his big day!  We'll have to set the alarm a little earlier for that.  Happy February!

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