Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A Night in Slovetzia

Today was a new day, and not Groundhog Day anymore, so we knew we weren't stuck in any one day loop.  Good to know!  We knew things could move on from here on the calendar without any worries.  Anyway, we kept busy today, with not quite the festive morning we had yesterday - alas, the morning after Groundhog Day is rather dull.  Winter is still here, as evidenced by the lower temperatures, although it was warmer today than yesterday.  Still, I did a walk on the treadmill in a snowy landscape, just to remind me what snow looks like when it covers the ground.  Today's walk was in Smith Rock State Park, which is a beautiful place that I've never been to before, and actually can't wait to visit some day.  It's just a gorgeous little place alongside a river, and was the perfect place for a quiet walk.

We were writing for the weekend, and writing for the future too, as my role is slightly expanding at the church.  We'll be doing a lot with the youth, the older kids as well.  There were meetings today, so there was a lot of different things being done all at once.

Speaking of which, Madison was doing all kinds of things today too.  She had school, of course, and after that was the Live to Give Club, where she was deciding with others what to do for the next fundraiser.  I believe they're selling Hershey's kisses for Valentine's Day, and getting with the coaches there at the school for that project.  The funds raised will go to some charity, but they were still deciding which one this afternoon.

Her small group online is still ongoing and thriving, today's discussion being about the woman at the well.  It was such a good and full class, it went all the way up to piano class, as always.  She was sitting in the car as usual, listening to the messages from Camille and Lauren as they talked about this story from the Bible.  Madison went in for piano, and that was a full class as well, right up to the last minute.  She's still practicing the song "Married Life" from the movie "Up," and moving forward there, but it's pretty busy.  Tonight she had homework to do, as usual, and that just keeps her busy even at home.  We did stop to pick up some candy for Valentine's Day on the way home, as she was wanting to get her friends some gifts for the upcoming holiday.  

Tonight we continued our February romantic comedy marathon with an old gem called, "Beautician and the Beast."  I remember first seeing this on an airplane in 1997, on our way over to Hawaii.  I love this movie, and think Fran Drescher is hilarious.  Her parents in this movie crack me up, but the movie on the whole is pleasant and fun, and I'm not ashamed to say I've always liked this one.  Madison watched it with us on the couch, the four of us seated together with popcorn and some laughs.  This story takes place in the small nation of Slovetzia, an obscure country in Eastern Europe.  Ever heard of it?  If not, you can find it on a map nearby Vulgaria, fairly close to Belgravia and Carpania, and not that far from Genovia and neighboring Sokovia, and pretty close to Drusselstein, Norvenia, and of course Latveria.  Some day we'll visit all these places.  That is, if we can find them on a map.

We read from Matthew tonight, and we'll continue tomorrow on that, but tomorrow night is Matthew 17, which immediately addresses the questions one might have when reading the last part of Matthew 16.  I wonder why they didn't just make Matthew 16:21-28 a part of the next chapter?  Anyway, we'll read that tomorrow, and that'll be good to talk about - we were doing a bit of that tonight before bed.  

Of course, we read more from our current Star Wars story, and we're racing to the end now, as things are really picking up with the story.  And after that, it was time for prayers and bedtime.  Today the Frog Prince has been in Madison's piano bag unexpectedly, and then under my blankets in the bed.  The Frog Prince wars continue.  But tonight Madison also snuck Kylo Llama out in front of my door so that when I woke up the following morning, there he was at the door.  It's the rainbow llama... with a large Kylo Ren mask on.  And a flower lei.  It's a hilarious way to start your morning!

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