Thursday, February 18, 2021

High School Glimpse


We had an event tonight that was like an open house for Madison's upcoming high school, only... the high school isn't complete yet.  A lot of the people who were at the event tonight hadn't even been inside East Forsyth High yet!  Nevertheless, all the teachers and administrators were standing in various stations, introducing themselves to everyone.  We met the theater department tonight, and found out Maddie was registered already for her classes upwomigs, although we'll probably make some tweaks to that line-up.  Currently the AP Geography class is in the schedule, and Maddie would rather take theater.  Indeed, it seems that these honors classes leave little room for some other things.  I'm all for getting in as much as you can, but there needs to be a little something more enjoyable in there too.  Not saying algebra or biology aren't enjoyable to some people, but when compared with theater, I think that's fairly obvious which one is a little less intensive on studying and testing.

ANYWAY, we got out of there and immediately went over to taekwondo afterwards.  We missed the regular class because of this event tonight, but we were able to make it to the leadership class.  She's been swinging around those kamas, and even training a few other younger students.  She's got less than two weeks to go until her black belt testing, and she's doing well  She'll focus on a few things this upcoming week with her form, but otherwise, she's ready.  

Speaking of tests, she had three of 'em today, three summative grades that were all part of the 80% of her total grade.  And all on the same day.  Fortunately, she was ready for all of them, and she believes she got A's on all of them.  Good for her!

At the office, we were working on scripts and videos and service flows for KidPak today, plus youth as well.  There's so much going on.  I'm sort of stepping back and forth between two ministries for a lot of kids, and it certainly keeps us busy.  But it's working out.  We got our new booklets in for KidPak, and that's always a thrill.  In fact, we've got some new graphics for the Storm Chasers series.  I'm on day seventeen of that devotional, and plugging along with that.  We're basically working on three series at once here, plus the youth department stuff.  Like I said, lots going on!

We're reading at night, reading from "Ruth" for a short while, and then of course visiting Galaxy's Edge with the Black Spires Outpost book.  And we're praying.  Lots to pray for lately, as there has been a lot of bad lately.  But sometimes the bad comes to drive us closer to Him, and indeed we can even be grateful for the bad, as odd as that may seem.  We said our prayers tonight, and not long afterwards, were all fast asleep.

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