Thursday, February 2, 2023

It's Groundhog Day. Again.

This morning started out as all Groundhog Days start out in this house, and that's with us setting the alarm to watch the livestream from Punxsutawney, enjoying the fireworks, dancers, live bands, confetti cannons, flame throwers, and dancers as they prep for the arrival of the Top Hat Men and their wonderful moment where they bring out Phil, the prognosticator of prognosticators, and consult with him about which scroll to choose:  the one that tells us we'll have an early spring, or the one that tells us we'll have six more weeks of winter.

Here's Mom and Chuck, who Maddie left downstairs on the couch so he could watch the show.  He has a Hawaiian lei on because... because... why not?  Anyway, we watched the ceremony this morning, and Maddie did too from her perch upstairs.  In Pennsylvania, Phil told the crowd up there in fourteen degree weather that yes, there would be six more weeks of winter.  In Jackson, Georgia, we watched super briefly as Beau emerged from his Antebellum mansion and scrambled around for a while, eventually climbing up on the balcony above his front door as a host told us that Beau the groundhog did not see his shadow.  Which makes sense.  It poured rain all day today.  But that means we'll have spring here early, and that's a position that will make him very popular with people in the south.  

Last night during the movie, I made some Groundhog Day snacks - I got chocolate Entemenn doughnuts (the best doughnuts ever), and that made for a little hole in the ground.  I then printed up groundhogs to emerge from the middle with a small note that said, "Happy Groundhog Day!"  I passed these out to work today, bringing great delight to fellow office workers!

It's been a fun day today.  Maddie was bored at school, but here's a picture she's been working on, a continuation of her Gummy Bear project:

It's really coming along nicely!  Tonight we had taekwondo, but Camille wasn't feeling good so the usual time we spend afterwards at small groups was cancelled.  We did okay though - it was later when we got back, of course, but we still had time to watch a little television on the couch together.  We caught up with "The Bad Batch" and a great visit to Kashyyk, or at least an action-packed one.  The Trandoshans are at it again, and it's always great to see the Wookies go up against them.

Anyway, time was short.  We read tonight, and we've only got one more bit left, so I think we'll be done with "Sorcery" by tomorrow night.  We read from our devotional, and we said our prayers, and then it was time to say goodnight to Groundhog Day 2023.

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