Friday, February 3, 2023

Ice Frisbee

Freezing temps still in the morning, but just enough to freeze only the top of the bird bath, so Maddie got to try an ice frisbee throw.  Didn't quite go as far as anticipated, but it's still fun.  Once we were back inside, the birds came in, plus a squirrel or two, including a one-eyed squirrel that we now have a visitor.  He's like a pirate squirrel or perhaps an old curmudgeon squirrel staring us down with his one good eye.  

We had taekwondo tonight - Mom and I were at church today moving things forward for this weekend, and looking into some new things for the video game series coming up, "Level Up."  We've got our booklet done, but the set might not be done in time, which means we'll keep this snow set one more weekend, and might see yet another bonus Narnia story.  We had to come up with a new message for next Sunday, and this is what came to a few of us.  We were thinking of how "prayer" has been such a big message the last few weeks with the football broadcasts, and figured that might be something to work with.

That will be a good message, I feel.  I'm not sure of the skit or games that go with it quite yet, so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.  Anyway, we got back from work to get Maddie from school, and soon were off to taekwondo, boom-boom-boom.  One thing after another.  We saw the latest episode of "National Treasure" tonight, and after that was time for reading and bed, finishing off the day.  It was a quiets sort of day, but we'll have some fun tomorrow.

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