Thursday, February 23, 2023

Weapon of Choice

Somewhat of an ordinary day today, but that doesn't mean it was a bad one!  We had rain again, after a slight absence of precipitation.  The weather is so warm outside, warm for February, but just ideal when going outside for a break from the cold office area.  It's super nice out there, and I'm glad we got to go on a little day trip the other day to enjoy it before things pass.

We had taekwondo tonight, or at least Maddie did.  I must admit that I probably wouldn't quite fit in with the taekwondo class like Maddie does.  She was helping with instruction tonight, and then in her leadership class she was flinging her bo staff around like a professional, which is the result of a lot of practice of course.  Not as much practice as her instructor, who has about fifteen years on her.  Still, she's pretty handy with the bo staff, that much is certain.  It's her go-to weapon of choice.  Which is a great phrase.  Makes me think of Christopher Walken dancing.    

Anyway, meanwhile, I was doing some overdue grocery shopping.  Mom made this ginormous list, and I managed to get it all but one item, which is unavailable.  Given the grocery shopping climate, this is an accomplishment!  There's always something that you can't find, and that trend goes on for weeks or months.  Lately, eggs are the item of dilemma, a low supply and high prices.  We've got a private supplier, and Officer Monica's hens have the best eggs right now.  We're spoiled!  One thing I have to get at another grocery store is Lucky Charms, because here we go, zooming towards March.  Got to have the green stuff!  Mom ordered some St. Patrick's Day themed pillow covers for the couch, and we're putting out a few decorations already.

Another thing approaching quickly is Summer Xtreme 2023, which we had a big meeting about today.  Mom was with us as we were discussing some time travel elements - that's the theme of things this year.  For this reason, we've been watching time travel movies and so on.  We'll be watching quite a few more in the coming weeks, just to embrace the theme.  Already we've knocked off the Back to the Future trilogy, although there are more things to watch in that box set.  Mom got some new batteries for the box set so that the flux capacitor is now fully functional.  Anyway,  each night of Summer Xtreme should be pretty awesome if things go the way we're thinking.

We read tonight, from our devotional and from "Reaper Man," which is approaching a climactic confrontation between Death and his adversaries the Auditors, who somehow think they have a chance.  It's been a good book.  Maddie had her small group tonight, and that took up a good bit of time, and that's okay.  Camille had some big news today, and the girls are still having a great time on Thursdays, talking and sharing and hearing from one another.  It's going on three years now for that small group.  We don't do the games as much as we used to, as the girls just like to take with one another, and that's okay!

After prayers it was time for bed.  Mom and I were determined to finish up our online games like Wordle tonight, and we did, but Wordle was a jerk today, and really a few times this week.  Those words with more than one "r" in them are annoying.  Riper?  Really?

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