Monday, August 9, 2021

Memory Maps

The plague house continues here, but Maddie is okay, and so is Nana.  I managed to get Maddie over to taekwondo tonight too, although I just sit in the car in the parking lot, and hope for the best there.  She's doing just fine, and she had a good day at school.  Spanish is largely review at the moment, and there are some plays coming up in theater too.  Math is review at the moment, and there's a science quiz upcoming. Her geography class seems to be fun, one where she's making maps based on memory, somewhat like the earliest maps ever made.  Here's a memory map, something she's made using her recollection of where things are approximately...

I picked her up at school today, something I'm doing a few days a week, just to get her home quicker so she'll have enough time to make it to taekwondo.  The bus schedule is not favorable for that.  Apparently, her bus route takes her everywhere else before coming to our neighborhood, so she gets to see Celtic Point and Castlberry, two nearby neighborhoods that she had no idea were as large as they are.  They aren't huge, but when you're wanting to be home in a hurry while on a school bus, they're bigger than you'd think.

Maddie is still reading a book from the library, "The Mysterious Benedict Society," and is nearing the end of that one.  Just in time too, as it's due pretty soon.  She's enjoyed reading that one, and no doubt will be reading more of that series when the opportunity presents itself.  There is other reading to do for school though, some new assignments for ELA upcoming.  We'll cross all those bridges when we get to them.

We've been watching a few things at night, just a few like "Camp Cretaceous," or sometimes we have to catch up on programming like the latest episodes of "Monsters at Work."  We read at night still, and yes, that's still "Kingdom Keepers."  The team is currently on the Disney Dream, a cruise ship that Maddie remembers well.  The adventure is cruising on, and Maddie's enjoying the ride again.  Not actually on a cruise, but at least we can pretend we're on one with the team.  

We said our prayers tonight, and we went to bed early as we could.  Symptoms are still there, but it's easing off a little.  It's still there though, queasy stomach, drainage, cough, and so on.  Very persistent. We said our prayers, and were off to sleep not much later.

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