Saturday, August 7, 2021


We planted cucumbers for the back garden, but what's come out doesn't resemble a cucumber at all.  They're more like these yellow squash or gourds or something, and they're all pretty ugly.  We've got some great produce coming out of the garden, from tomatoes to peppers and a huge amount of blueberries.  But these things are not a favorite at all of mom's, and there's a lot of them.  We call them snozzcumbers, although they don't look exactly as a the BFG's least favorite vegetable do.  But the resemblance is close enough, and it's kind of comical how we've got this super unattractive vegetable coming out of our garden.

Anyway, today was a birthday party for Maddie - she went over to a a friend's house to celebrate, and she had a great time, even despite the rain.  Mom and I are suffering through these symptoms though, in full swing now.  I'm guessing we'll be grounded the next week or so - it's been that bad.  But at least I can transport Maddie here or there.

Tonight we watched "Mitchells versus the Machines" together, and it was a really good movie I've been wanting to see for a while.  Everyone enjoyed it.  We got to bed early tonight, separate, miserable.  I'm still reading to Maddie, and we're saying our prayers together.  And thankfully she and Nana are okay.  But we're on high alert here.  We went to bed early tonight, or at least I tried to.  

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