Saturday, August 4, 2018

Through the Wardrobe

We had a few different plans today, but some of them didn't come through.  For example, we were going to go to the High Museum today... until we found out that most of the museum is closed off for renovations, and they're still charging the same price to get in.  Then we thought of the Atlanta History Center, until we read that the Cyclorama is still not ready there, and it should be all set up in February.  We thought the Civil Rights Museum might be an interesting drive, but we decided to do that later.

So, ultimately, we went to the movies and to Narnia.  First, before doing that though, we had a bit of time to do homework.  Madison did her work, and Daddy did some as well, getting ideas together for the Star Wars series upcoming.  Madison worked on a letter that she had to write, talking about herself a bit to describe herself to one of her teachers.

Afterwards though, we went to see "Christopher Robin" at the movies, which the three of us agreed was a very nice movie.  The theater was packed, and we had our ideal seats, clearly enjoying the movie as much as everyone around us.  It's a nostalgic journey with a whole lot of heart, a very sweet movie.

Leaving the theater, Daddy wanted to surprise Mommy and Madison, so we left in a different direction, and went across Buford Dam Road there, checking out the high lake levels from that angle, and seeing again the Chattahoochee River from up high.  But that wasn't our destination.  Our destination was... Narnia!

Here's Madison literally going through the wardrobe, the front door to this tiny cafe and bakery down in Sugar Hill.  We heard about this place a few weeks ago, and thought it might be fun to go check out.

It was!  This is the Sugar Hill Towne Bakery & Cafe, and you can see here from this picture that the decor is something like a mix between Wonderland and Narnia.  It's as if we're waiting for Aslan... from the Mad Hatter's Table!

Here's Mommy and Madison walking and spinning through the a forest of dangling fabric, just another creative thing about this location.  There is a whole lot of creativity at play here, including the presentation of the food itself:

Lookin' foxy!  Mommy got a grilled chicken salad, and Madison got chocolate French toast, while Daddy got a very unique sandwich.  It was all quite tasty!

Madison got up at one point to go around and take pictures of the place, including this one above.  It was just a very fun atmosphere, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.

You can see here a little more of the place, the Christmas lights dangling all about, and the unusual table decor.  It really had a Mad Hatter feel on each table, with different plates and napkins.

And here's Madison nearby the animals at the entrance again, asking you to wait to be seated.  There weren't too many people here at this time, just another family.  But you can imagine this place getting busy just before a big production at the theater that is being built just down the block.  The area is really getting built up, and this cafe has gotten some publicity as a unique kind of place recently.  In fact, that's how we heard of it.

So we ate, and got full, and got home after that.  It was a bit of a longer drive back, but we got home and played some games together, and then it was time to finish up "The Hostile Hospital" before we knew it.  We did our devotional and our prayer time, and finished up another very nice day.  Tomorrow will be a good one too, but to quote our friend Winnie the Pooh, "Today is my favorite day."

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