Friday, January 5, 2018

Bomb Cycone

Every few years, there seems to be a new meteorological term we all learn collectively as a nation, and each time it's so catchy, it's like a rock band name or a new video game.  Last time, it was Polar Vortex, which is a pretty awesome term.  This year's phrase that pays is "Bomb Cyclone."

Until recently, I'd wager that 95% of this country had never hard this phrase before.  I'd have to do effort and research this, but it could be that meteorologists just made this phrase up recently.  And they'd have to be young ones too.  The older ones just look at them and say, "Bomb Cyclone?  Really?"  But nevertheless, there it is, the Bomb Cyclone, which sounds like some sort of meteorological weapon that some evil empire has decided to unleash upon the Eastern Coast.


EMPEROR VORTEX:  "Winter is Coming, New England!  Minion, prepare the Arctic Blaster.  Those pathetic New Englanders will never know what hit them!  They will face the awful wrath of our Thunder Snow!"

MINION:  "Yes sir!  Adiabatic Lapse Rates are in sequence, and we're ready to let them taste our cumulonimbus microbursts!  But, oh no!"

EMPEROR VORTEX:  "What is it?"

MINION:  "Sir, their Snow Eater Defense Systems are in place, and their Positive Vorticity Advection Fortifications are holding back our absorption lines!"

EMPEROR VORTEX:  "Ah!  So they think they can withstand our fury?  Very well then, it's time."

MINION:  "No, sir!  Not that!"

EMPEROR VORTEX:  "Yes.  Contact the Mesoscale Convective Complex.  Tell them it's time." 

MINION:  "Yes sir!"

EMPEROR VORTEX:  "On my command, Minion!  FIRE!"

MINION:  "Commencing the Bombogenesis Cycle now, sir!"

EMPEROR VORTEX:  "Let winter's fury freeze their souls!  UNLEASH THE BOMB CYCLONE!"


Who says meteorology is boring?  These are all actual meteorological terms.  Anyway, it has been actually snowing in Florida and South Georgia.  Meanwhile, here, it's just cold.  No precipitation at all.  It might be something to complain about on one hand, however we did just have a remarkable snowfall a few weeks ago, just prior to Christmas.  Still, if there's ever a chance for snow, there's a wonderful feeling of hope and joy at it's presence.  This has inspired a message for KidPak, one we were writing for this upcoming Elevate series:

Today we were working on that, and working on Summer Xtreme 2018, already.  We decided to move it in two weeks, as Disney is apparently not looking back with it's schedule.  Each year, Disney used to have a good Pixar or otherwise movie early in the summer, but because of the release of Marvel movies, or something like that, their movies always start the second week of June.  Which means we haven't gone to the movies at Gainesville's Summer Xtreme in years.  This year, we're pushing things back one week.  We're seeing "The Incredibles 2."  This year, we're also going to the Georgia Aquarium, Sky Zone, Frances Meadows, and we're having an outdoor service in our amphitheater outside. It' s going to be a great year.

Tonight, we finished up the Hobbit trilogy with what is generally agreed upon as the weakest entry in the entire six-movie series.  It wasn't that bad though. In fact, the bar was so incredibly low for us that we walked away from it thinking it wasn't that bad.  In fact, any trip to Middle Earth to spend one last time with Legolas, Gandalf, dwarves, hobbits,  and even orcs... this isn't a bad thing.  It was the shortest of the movies, and that helped, as the story line was pretty simple.

Regardless, our time in Middle Earth - for the time being - is done.  Madison, Mommy and Daddy enjoyed it, of course.  Madison is going back to playing the LEGO Lord of the Rings games, including a level in LEGO Dimensions.

Her other activities today included piano practice, more fashion designs, and the return to ballet.  This is her first ballet class of the year, and already they're working on the ballet for "Frozen," which seems appropriate enough.  Madison's group is learning a routine for Olaf's song, "In Summer," which is a nice little warm song to sing about as the temperature drops to sixteen degrees tonight. Yeah, that's the temperature tonight here in Georgia.  Brrr!  And while those in New England can complain about it being worse, as if this makes them more of a martyr, we all have to remember it could be worse.  You could live in Oymyakon, Russia.  Look at their forecast for a sunny weekend:


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