Monday, September 21, 2015

Tater Tot Array

Madison turned to us at dinner and pointed to her plate, saying, "Look!  A tater tot array."

Ballet tonight, balanced with a visit to the funeral home for Daddy.  It was in Cleveland, so as you can imagine, he was driving here and there rather quickly.  Up to Cleveland, and then straight back to the house and then off to ballet and back again.

Fortunately, Mommy had a delicious meal set up for us.  Daddy had a tasty fish dinner, and Madison had her usual array of food.

Mommy is getting better, although today there were some stomach pains that brought about question marks.  We suspect it is just a matter of time, all part of the healing process.  The doctor's visit on Friday certainly confirmed a little of that.  It just takes time, that's all.  And this time, we have the benefit of knowing that there are certain foods that Mommy is allergic to.  But along those lines, strangely, we suspect Daddy has a few allergies as well.  That's a topic to be continued.  Gradually, there's been a bad reaction to milk.  This does not bode well for Count Chocula, but Daddy is defiantly having at least one bowl per season.  Maybe almond milk will work…

ANYWAY, we're all okay.  And that's good.  We forwarded that photo above to Madison's teacher, who loved it, of course.  It is great to see your kids remember what you try to tell them - and sometimes it turns out pretty humorous.

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