Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Homemade Valentine's Day Cards

Here are some homemade Valentine's Day cards I made up for KidPak.  We're doing the Northern Lights series, so these sort of fit as cards that can be handed out at school next week.  The back of each card advertises for the appearance of Anna and Elsa at KidPak the following weekends - they're coming back.  This weekend, Daddy arranged for them to be at the Gwinnett campus, which should be a great delight for the kids down there.

We had piano today as always, which had some new chords that were tricky with the fingers.  We'll be practicing these a lot in the coming week, Daddy too.  And we got more clues for the Winter Wonderland party coming up:  balls, ladders, tightrope.  You want to say 'circus,' but we'll see as more clues come about.

We had a big Easter Production meeting today, one where everything has been upended.  Not entirely sure where it is going at the moment, to be honest.  But we'll hopefully have a clue by week's end.  That's when we'll have some auditions - on Saturday.  We have a busy weekend planned though - alongside the auditions are all sorts of other plans we've had in the works for a few weeks.  You'll read about those in the coming days, I'm sure.

Tonight Daddy went to an internet safety class, which of course was creepy.  Yeah, there's probably too much information on this blog.  But there were a lot of other tips Daddy learned about cell phone use, apps, and dealing with online predators (that part involves a weighty sledgehammer).  Other than being creepy, it was informative, and Daddy was glad to go.

We're going to Star Wars Days this summer.  Finally.  This is one of those things Mommy has been wanting to go to, believe it or not, for many years.  It's just that it is always at a time where we can't seem to fit it into the schedule.  But not this year!  In fact, we've made some reservations for one of the special themed character dinners, one that's pretty difficult to get.  We'll post details about that, probably after it all happens as usual.  But we're all pretty psyched about it.  As you can probably imagine, we'll be doing all sorts of 'research' in the weeks leading up to the big event!

We read our Bible together, and prayed together tonight before bed.  Madison did all her homework, including her spelling words that she already has nailed down.  They're easier this week, although Daddy has to be careful when hearing them - these words are starting to slow down Mommy and Daddy, actually.  It's just that they're longer, and you want to make sure that you're spelling them correctly!

One of Madison's homework assignments involved a common sense question:  a little boy is pulling a wagon up a hill.  If he puts a large dog into the wagon, will it be harder to do?  Answer:  duh?  She's learning the physics of push and pull in her science class, so I'm assuming this is where the point of all this is.  Madison knew the answer right away, and explained with more complete sentences than I just did above.

And that's how the day went - pretty average, as far as these days go.  And they do go, flying by pretty fast.  Madison is asleep now, and Daddy and Mommy are getting ready to settle down for the night.  Tonight, we're heading upstairs for our weekly visit with the television set:  Dum Dum Dugan is making an appearance on "Agent Carter" tonight!

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