Sunday, May 6, 2012

First Graduation

Madison had her first graduation ceremony today, and as you can see here she looked quite cute in her cap and gown.  She is posed with her teacher here, Mrs. Julie, who we've grown to like quite a bit.  It has been a remarkable year at school for Madison, who has learned more and more with speech - and other areas as well.  Of course, for us, her speech was the number one issue, and Madison has made great progress in this area.  Though Daddy is sill technically "under the weather" with his pancreas, he wasn't going to miss this for the world.  On hand also were Nana and Ba-Ba, Ye-Ye and Nana, and of course Mommy and Daddy too.  A brief speech began the ceremony, and soon the names were called out one by one.  Madison made her way up the aisle, quite nervous, and received her "diploma," the first of many, I'm sure!  Afterwards, there was a small reception with cake and mingling, but the big event was the ceremony itself:  lots of youngsters in caps and gowns.  It was cute!  Madison got to keep her tassel, which has a "2012" on it.  We'll have that tucked away with her certificate, and of course the dozen or so photos Daddy was snapping along the way.

Today we began at church, the three of us, and we started our new series "Weird Science" in a big way.  We had all kinds of science on stage, so Daddy was happy about the educational aspect, but of course there were a lot of Biblical applications to go along with things.  It was a good day at church, but we had to get out of there quickly in order to get to the graduation ceremony in time.

After the graduation, it was nap time.  Pretty much for everyone though, which made Daddy feel better.  Lately, I've had no energy whatsoever, which is a side effect of not eating.  But still, the body needs time to heal, and that's where lying down and sleeping comes in handy.  That's just what happened this afternoon.  Fortunately, Nana and Ba-Ba were there to have fun with Madison.  She was so happy to see them come - she really does enjoy their company.

Tonight, Mommy and Daddy had a "date night."  We joined a bunch of our friends from the church, and together watched the latest Marvel movie, "The Avengers."  It was really good, and fun to be in good company as we watched the movie together.  Madison can name each one of the Avengers, but is a long way from actually seeing these movies.  Her latest Lego Magazine has them on the cover, so she's interested in who each one is.  Daddy has shown her a few clips on the computer of the movie, so she's got a bit of awareness there too - she's definitely interested.  I might have to go down into the basement and maybe we can look at some of Daddy's old comic books together!

"Ma'am, there's only one God, and I'm pretty sure He doesn't look like that."
- Captain America

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