Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Here is a photo of the bushes in front of our house. Vibrant colors, aren't they? We very much enjoy sitting out on the porch of late, reading and just enjoying the cool of the hours just before nighttime sets in. Today Daddy only had a short window to do this, as work consumed much of the day.

This week is Spring Break, which means no school for the kids in our area. Madison is off of school as well, and also off from ballet class and music class. The end result has been some later nights, and some sleeping in as well. Can you believe she's slept in until 10:00 am? Part of that is the "recovery" from this past weekend. That was quite draining. Usually though, Easter is a lot more hectic than it is this year. Again, we have no illustrated sermon or drama to prepare for in the main sanctuary, so things should be fairly simple and stress-free. We'll see how that turns out as we get closer though!

As Easter gets closer, of course we turn to the topic of rabbits. One of Madison's favorite shows has rabbits in it, "Max and Ruby." I don't believe I've talked about Max and Ruby before, but this is a show that Madison likes to watch all year long. I'm not entirely sure why the attraction, as she's usually drawn to faster-paced programming. Nevertheless, she enjoys these shows very much, sometimes wanting to watch them again and again the next day and the day after that. This week, it's because of the Easter Egg hunt. She's excited about that. But other times of the year, I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it's Max and his tendency to blurt out the same thing over and over again. Or perhaps it's that strange mischievous smile Max has from time to time. Or, it could be Can't-Sit-Up-Slug.

What a great toy! If only we had toys like this growing up. Genius!

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