Thursday, April 19, 2012

Almost There

Almost there! No, Madison, the blueberries aren't ready yet! You can see her here checking them out, and she knows they'll be good blueberries pretty soon. She loves to eat blueberries, and it is so amazing to Daddy that we actually found some blueberry bushes on our property. We had no idea all this time that they were there, until recently when we were doing some clearing on the one side of the house. There they were, two of these plants, each bearing all kinds of good fruit. You can almost taste 'em, can't you? Well, we'll all have to be a little more patient, because we're...

Almost there! Today Daddy got the soil for the tomato garden, which is now all set up and filled with good dirt. Tomorrow, hopefully, Mommy will be able to get some tomato plants, and we'll see our investment towards a mini-garden start to pay off. We'll be recreating Harvest Moon 64 in our back yard - I can almost hear that soundtrack playing now! Some time soon I'll have to plug that in for Madison to look at. Right now we're still on the Gamecube, but soon it will be time for the N64 again. Can't wait to see those old games! We're...

Almost there! The ballet recital is coming up soon. We had ballet tonight again, which was fun as always. In just a few weeks we'll have another ballet recital, towards the mid-part of May. On the way home, we stopped by Nana and Ye-Ye's house to visit for a bit, which Madison enjoyed very much of course. Everyone was playing around and having a good time, which was good for Madison. She loves her grandparents, but it was getting late - so we had to turn in for the night pretty soon. Fortunately, we live pretty close and were...

Almost there! We got Princess Tiana's theme song today at the library - along with a few other princess songs as well. We picked up a whole bunch of sight word books, including a few "Dick and Jane" books. Talk about classics! Madison loves the library, where she was playing on computer games today with a newfound friend. The two were giggling pretty loudly in the library, but nobody seemed to mind. In fact, everyone thought it was cute. But soon it was time to go home, so we hopped in the car and were...

Almost there! That's an "easy" one for Madison. Explanation: we've been playing a lot of "guess that music" on our drive to school, or ballet or anywhere. We each take turns singing songs, and trying to guess what that music is from. Madison's point system is hilarious - for example, today Daddy was awarded 4 blue points, which actually was a tie score with Madison's 3 red points (apparently higher in value per point). The object is to get ten in a row, which you can usually achieve by guessing only three songs, or not guessing them at all. It's completely random, actually. Daddy does his best to stump Madison, but she can be pretty quick. She recognizes that tune from Princess Tiana, but can also recognize pretty much every other princess tune as well - although we have yet to introduce her to Princess Giselle. One movie at a time - we'll get there soon enough, and we're...

Almost there! We got some confirmations today about things turning around in certain areas, and the word "vindication" is there too. We'll see how it all turns out, but the words "almost there" seem to fit pretty well!

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