Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Look Out Below!

Madison and Mommy are spending some time on the couch below, as Daddy looks down from the landing. Today was a busy day for Mommy and Madison, who traveled this way and that, still gathering costuming and material for the big performance, which is just two days away. Fortunately, they returned home in time before the subtle ice storm that seemed to nail this area.

Basically, it came down with a whimper - just a bit of a drizzle, really. But the temperature was close enough to freezing that the roads and bridges iced up and wreaked havoc on traffic everywhere. Daddy had a slight challenge getting home from church tonight, but made it home carefully, and certainly not too soon enough.

Though there are accidents all over, this is visually one of the dullest ice storms ever. You expect the icicles and the forests of glass at least, but not this time around. It's this deep, penetrating ice that freezes in every pore of the sidewalk and road, completely taking you by surprise if you aren't ready for it. Daddy drove very carefully, and then walked very carefully. Right now, our sidewalk is a sheet of ice that we could probably skate on!

Tomorrow, we'll wait until things warm up a bit before traveling out. This will give us all a chance to rest, really. We'll need it: the final practice is tomorrow night, and it promises to be a long one!

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