Thursday, February 18, 2010

Madison Scissorhands

Mommy had Madison practicing her scissor skills this morning, something Madison enjoys very much. She has the finger placement down, putting her fingers on the handle properly. As Mommy looked on, Madison snipped away at the edges of a piece of paper, snipping and cutting in small strokes. Also on today's practice list: the straight line routine. Madison drew straight lines with her pencil from a starting point to a finishing point. She did well here, drawing a line from the hockey stick to the goal - and in fact when she was doing this, she pointed down at the paper and said "ice!" Now how did she know it was ice hockey? I didn't tell her that. She must have picked it up from somewhere, but I don't exactly know where. Maybe she'll be a big ice hockey fan or something. Daddy will have to take her to a game someday soon (he's just using all this as an excuse to go!).

Today we got out of the house and went to Targét down in Flowery Branch. Hadn't actually been to that one before - it's nice. There was a bit of regular shopping to do, but we thought we would spoil Madison with something nice.
We got her this neat keyboard that plays meowsic. It's shaped like a cat, you see. Hence the meowsic. And yes, before you ask, there is in fact a feature on it where the keys will actually say "meow" to the different notes hit. Needless to say, this was a very big hit with Madison when we got home. You'll definitely see some pictures of her with it soon, especially a picture of her singing into the microphone that is attached to the thing. So far, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Happy Birthday" have been big hits sung in the playroom. My daughter is a little crooner!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, thank you!!

    We just ran across this post and were delighted to find Meowsic has become part of Madison's grand adventures!

    Your blog is beautiful. We wish we could sit down for a spot of tea and discuss the joys of kites on a blustery day.

    Did you find the lyrics with the Meowsic? The witty kitty songs were written by our own children!

    (To the tune of La Cucaracha)
    The Little Kitty
    The Little Kitty
    Forgot how to Me-ow
    All she can say now
    All she can say now
    Is Woof-Woof and Bow-Wow

    Have a joyous day! If you're on Facebook, consider joining our Fan page. We have lots of moms and dads engaging and having fun. A great place to post pics of your little one.

    We'll stop back to feed your fish again soon! Thanks again!

    The B. team
