Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Burning Bush and a Giant Tater Tot

Daylight Saving Time is here, and that alarm came an hour early of course.  Yikes!  Still, we powered through and got up to get to church.  Well, most of us.  Mom had to stay home to work on these dancer costumes for Easter.  Yep, this morning Mom stayed home and Maddie and I went in to participate in the next part of our series, "Exodus."  Which featured me as a Burning Bush - you'll see that below with some of Maddie's pics.  She and Nia were cows, and as has been the theme this series, a random Giant Tater Tot periodically appears.  Apparently the tot is having some fun with the actors backstage.

The Burning Bush costume was pretty fun , as you can see above.  And yes, we threw in that Giant Tater Tot for good measure!  It was an obviously humorous version of the story of the encounter between Moses and the Burning Bush, but as always, someone comes in to tell the actual story, along with some application.  Bailee was the one who did that today.  But today was fun, which a slightly shifting cast.  The reason for that was baptisms!

One of our actors, Jeremiah, was baptized today, and in the second service, another one of our actresses was upstairs to see her mother get baptized.  It was a baptism day, obviously, where Pastor Franklin headed up a baptism service, talking with everyone who went up there to get baptized.  

It was a super solid morning.  Afterwards, we got some take-out food from Wang's, and got that home so Mom, Maddie and I could have some Chinese food.  It was good as always, and the three of us caught up on our day so far.  Mom has been so busy making these dancer costumes, as Easter is only a few weeks away now.  It's certainly crunch time.

Maddie and I returned to Middle Earth for a bit, working together to get through the fire swamp.  We did a few levels here or there leading up to the Battle of Helms Deep, but this game is so huge - we'll be exploring Middle Earth for quite some time, and that's okay.  We're going to get to 100% again soon!

This evening's movie was "Moses," at least the Sight and Sound version of it.  We have a collection of their plays that we ordered some time ago during the pandemic.  We wanted to support their product, so we got a box set, plus another two movies.  I think we have seven total.  Anyway, the imagery on stage of the Burning Bush is spectacular.  We still love "The Ten Commandments" more, but this was fun to see.  We're really diving deep into Exodus.  I'm on chapter twenty five right now, but so far we've seen "The Ten Commandments," "Moses," "The Prince of Egypt" and the entire Hillsdale course on Exodus.  We're learning quite a bit!

Tonight we had some Girl Scout cookies before bed.  There were some extras down at Braselton this past week, including two boxes of gluten-free cookies for Mom.  That makes me happy.  My favorite flavor are the thin mints, which we haven't gotten yet this year, but we did get a free box of the S'mores flavor cookies, which are somewhat addictive too!

We returned to Kingdom Keepers, where the chapters are getting shorter, and the original Kingdom Keepers are gearing up for some action.  We said our prayers, and sleep came easy tonight!  Daylight Saving Time can make you a little sleepy at the end of it all.

One note:  the Oscars were tonight.  We didn't watch them, and haven't watched them in many years.  I used to in the 90's.  I think my only interest tonight was Best Animated Picture.  I was happy to see "The Boy and the Heron" win that one.  It's easy enough to watch a highlight clip afterwards, rather than endure the whole thing.  Snarky politics and edgy humor sort of took away the class of the event, but there were a couple folks we were glad to hear got honored.

Okay, time for sleep!  It'll seem earlier again tomorrow.

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