Friday, December 8, 2023

Edgestravaganza 2023

It was another busy day today, one that started out with Jingle Bell's rather sour gift.  Or, in the case of those candies there, rather sweet.  It was a pickle theme, which you ca see the ornament as evidence of.  Or the pickle spears.  Or the gummies shaped like pickles.  What's your dill?

Tonight was Edgestravaganza, and it was super fun for Maddie.  We got there early enough to get practicing, as Maddie had a big performance tonight.  She and Team Edge finally did their big presentation, an action-packed and thrilling display of martial arts that just blew away the crowd.  It was super amazing, and everyone did a fantastic job!  We have some pictures of that below.

There was also a black belt ceremony for Maddie and the others who received a new black belt over the course of the past year.  Maddie got her second-degree black belt in the spring, so she was a part of that ceremony, along with the others there.  It's a quiet, solemn, and dark sort of ceremony - visually.  Meaning, the lights were off, except for the candles there.  The sound of the gong being run nine times started things off, as participants were honored and made their sacred vows.  Maddie was given a new commemorative coin, did a brief display, also being honored individually.

Oh, and speaking of which, afterwards there was a presentation for her - awards for students who have been a part of Edge for certain amounts of time.  Maddie got her certificate for being with Edge for five years, so far.  

Afterwards, Maddie was finally excited to get her friend Chloe the gift that she's been working on for the last month.  It took a bit to open this up, but she was really happy with it.  Maddie was happy too.  People were lining up for food, as this is somewhat of a pot luck buffet, and wow, there was a lot of food!  It was great, too!  I was there taking pictures for the event, somewhat of an unofficial photographer, but we did have time to join in on the trivia game, which was done "family feud" style, which is to say the answers to the questions were based on what the students at Edge Martial Arts replied.  It was fun, and it ran right up until 8pm, when it was time for everyone to settle down and head out.  Lots of fun!

It was a great night, and we were pretty exhausted coming hom.  Below, you'll see some pictures from the demo, from the awards ceremony, of Chloe opening Maddie's gift, of Maddie's 5-year participation certificate, and of Edgestravaganza in general.  It was a super fun night!


Plus... a few pics from Maddie's phone tonight:

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