Saturday, December 12, 2020

Winter Piano Recital

This is the way.  This morning, Jingle Bell donned his Mandalorian mask, and it looks like he's not paying too much attention to Grogu there behind him

This one was fun to wake up to, and we're glad to see Jingle is still up to his old tricks.  As noted earlier, he's been doing this quite some time, and it's fun to see this each morning, and see what happens next.  Madison has put together thirteen LEGO Star Wars creations from her advent calendar, and we all get the chocolate and candy canes from the other advent calendars.  Each morning in December is a little treasure!

Speaking of which, here's what happened next today:  this morning, we went to a church over in Murrayville, where Madison participated in her piano recital.  Here she is playing on stage.  We got there at 10am, giving her a little time to practice on a new and different piano.

That gave me a few opportunities to take some pictures from different angles, and you can see who was in attendance in the front row.  Uncle George, Nana and Mom were there, along with myself, all of us there to see her play.

Nana and Ye-Ye showed up as well, making the drive this morning to see her play piano.  She did well!  She played "Victor's Piano Solo," and I'm sure she's ready to hang that one up as much as she's practiced it.  Although she did say she'd keep playing it from time to time so she wouldn't lose memory of it.  

You can see here that she dressed up really nicely for her performance.  We got the programs, and she was about ten names down towards the end, watching all the other students do their performances beforehand. 

They all did really well, and it was just nice to see them all in person this time around, as last time in May it was all done over the computer with Zoom.

And look who was here, also performing!  It was Violet, a friend from church.  We didn't know she was actually starting classes with the same teacher, so this was a pleasant surprise.  She did a great performance this morning.

And here's the family again, everyone here to see Madison.  It was a nice recital, and as the kids left, they even got a little extra something, some baked candies and goods as an early Christmas present.

From here, we were out and about for a while. We ate on location at Texas Roadhouse, and we got right in.  Everything was perfect here as far as food goes, and we had food to go at the end.  We stopped by a store to pick up some birthday gifts for a party tomorrow, and also some Christmas candy for friends for an upcoming gathering with the small group kids.  We also got some egg nog!  Why?  Because tonight, we all had some of Mom's world famous egg nog milkshake.  We've had these special glasses for many years, and they look really nice for the holidays - we got them at Arby's of all places!  Anyway, the egg nog milkshake was fantastic, as we sat down to enjoy "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."  It's a movie we pretty much have memorized, and I'm not kidding, we quote it at least once a week throughout the entire year.  You might do that too.

Oh, another thing we did this afternoon was get Madison's new glasses.  They came in, so we dropped by to pick them up.  She likes them, and they look great!  

It was a nice day together.  We continued reading from "The Silver Chair" tonight, as Jill, Eustace and Puddleglum might be walking into a bad situation.  We'll keep you updated on that.  They may have to learn some things the hard way.

We prayed tonight, and we got to bed earlier, as we've got church tomorrow.  It was a nice day!

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