Thursday, December 17, 2020


This morning, Jingle Bell and Snowflake must have been inspired by the movie "Coco," because they dressed up somewhat in their Dia de Los Meurtos best, and got some "Hot Coco."

Today Mom went out looking and shopping with Nana... and Nana.  Two Nanas.  One Mom.  Anyway, they got this ornament you see above, and about twelve others like it, some a lot larger, all these different glass Santa ornaments that have this retro feel to them.  They look nice!

Tonight, Nana and I put them on the tree, which is suddenly looking more full of ornaments than it used to.  It takes a while to place ornaments and make sure the tree is properly balanced in appearance.  It also gives you time to admire the tree itself, as Nana was seated on the piano bench just looking on.  The fireplace there was giving off a literal warm glow, and it was just a nice time together.

Madison had two midterms today, and she said she did well on them.  In fact, her social studies midterm she said she got a 100 on.  I just averaged all her class grades currently, and the average of all of them put together is a 98.  So she's doing well in school.  She's doing well in taekwondo.  She's doing well with piano.  She's not doing well with her smell.  Just kidding, Madison.  I know you read this.

Tonight, Mom made her special hot chocolate, the kind cooked over the stovetop, poured into special Christmas mugs with marshmallows and a candy cane sticking up inside the cup.  Big portions of this wonderful delicious hot chocolate could only mean one thing:  we were riding the Polar Express tonight!  The four of us sat on the couch together, and sure enough, we all had authentic genuine tickets to ride on the Choo Choo with the stunning view that rivals all the rest.  Madison and I believe this is our favorite Christmas movie of all.  As a side note, I always thought the hobo made up a new word combining "authentic" and "genuine."  The new word being "Authentigenuine."  I believe the truth is that he's just saying the two words together rather fast.  But still, I'd like to think he made up that word, because it's actually kind of fun.  And it's fun to say.  Authentigenuine!

It was cold today, and slightly wet.  We did some Christmas shopping, and the packages are coming in left and right all over neighborhoods all over the world.  People have been shifting for years now, moving to online shopping over visiting actual stores.  We still go out to shop, and some people love it.  It is time consuming and occasionally stressful though, finding a parking spot, dealing with traffic, looking for that one item that may or may not be at a place you spent all that effort to get to.  Meanwhile, online shopping is quicker and easier.  And of course in this season, it's less contagious.  All of this leads to the further solidification of the online shopping empire, and the downfall of actual stores with products in them.  Many, many of them have gone out of business this year.  If the rise of online shopping didn't do it, then this mandatory shutdown finished them off.  Only time will tell if it was worth it.  
Madison and I were talking about how she dodged a bullet this year, being one of the few students not quarantined the first half of the year.  Well over half of her friends have been quarantined, and only she and another one somehow missed that.  It's all related to who you are next to, and other factors of course.  But suddenly, there's a letter, and suddenly someone shows up positive or whatever, and suddenly, you're out of school for two weeks, learning things virtually.  This has gone all year, and Madison was feeling pity for those who were quarantined just before - and during - these midterms.  Again, she's been blessed, and we are all grateful.

Tonight we were in Narnia again, and we read about the Silver Chair itself, and why the book got that name.  And just as quickly as we learned about the Silver Chair, it's gone.  And with good reason.  Who wants a chair like that, one that enchants people and makes them completely compliant and happy with everything they're told, even if not much of it is actually good.  Caspian's son, Prince Rilian, destroys the Silver Chair, once he's freed from its power.  Wouldn't it be great if we could destroy this Silver Chair that our nation has been sitting in for so long?

Anyway, we'll continue reading here, but Prince Rilian rightfully has a chip on his shoulder, and I would say things are not going to go well for the bad guys in this story.  We'll find out soon!

We said our prayers this evening, and soon were off to sleep.  I've been sleeping better, although I've been taking some prescribed medication for that.  How nice to have a long winter's nap!

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