Monday, September 21, 2020

Converting Negatives

 Madison had her taekwondo class tonight, and it was nice to be able to do that, as the rest of this week we'll probably be down in Florida.  We dropped her off tonight, and did some grocery shopping as she did some twirling with her staff.  She seems to be doing well with that, and of course she's enjoying class itself.  As for the next testing cycle, that's coming up in October, maybe the second week I think?  She'll be doing the first of three testing cycles for the black belt, so I'm not entirely sure what she gets - if anything - at the end of this next particular test.  Maybe she's just still a red belt.  Whatever it is, she's moving forward and will be at that black belt before you know it.

I've been working on consolidating a whole lot of pictures of Ba-Ba, just to have available.  I posted a link on Ba-Ba's obituary page, which I wrote up as thus:

     George Lee Green, age 85, passed away after a battle with cancer, just before 3am on September 10th, 2020.

     George is survived by his wife, Ann Green, of Daytona Shores, Florida, as well as his son George Jr., and daughter Zena Cypher, along with grandchildren Kyle, Laura, Mark, Brandon, and Madison, as well as five great-grandchildren.

     He was born on January 8th, 1935, in Brooklyn, New York.

     During his time with the Air Force, he met his wife in Great Britain, the two marrying shortly afterwards and remaining together for over sixty-five years.  His faithful devotion to his wife is matched only by the commitment and love he shared with his children and grandchildren.  He was deeply loved, and is equally missed.

     George’s life was a light unto this world, even in the darkest of years and darkest of circumstances.  Even throughout his struggles, his focus was on others, on service, and making this world a brighter place.  Even now, his memory still shines with brilliance and warmth.

     George will be interned at the Cape Canaveral National Cemetery at 12:30 on Thursday, September 24th.

Words fall astoundingly short when attempting to come up with something appropriate to write.  It all seems so shallow, and as if I need a whole lot more time to write it - like a year.  We'll be back down probably tomorrow.

We went to the chiropractor today, and for Mommy it was necessary more than it was for us.  She was stressed, and her leg out of joint in a way. She's been hobbling a bit, so today's visit was nice.  Madison was with us, and the three of us got adjustments, and some extra treatment as well.  Madison and Mommy got to go on the warm jet bubble bed, and I got to go on the old-school Spinalator, this antique of a machine that looks like it might belong in the Museum of Questionable Medical Devices, but in fact is something still used to this day.  It was Madison's first time on the warm jet bubble bed - I don't know what else to call it - and she rather enjoyed it.  Mommy is a little sore, but that's part of the healing process.  She'll get better, I'm sure.

As said earlier, I was getting pictures together, and for the first time I tried a negative converter, a small device that takes old 35 mm negatives and converts them to digital files.  I have to say that this device really works.  The original quality is probably affected by the age of the negatives and so forth, but perhaps a lot of that can be cleaned up afterwards on the computer.  The point is, it's quick and effective, and I was able to take a trip a few years ago that we went on to Disney, and make the negatives into digital files.  Here's a picture of Ba-Ba that I converted.

It turned out rather well!  I was putting this one and others in the slide show, but I'll be converting and probably sharing negatives as time goes on.  

Tonight, Madison was on piano for a while, practicing her classwork as well as that song from "The Corpse Bride."  We're in that season soon, and though we're starting it later, we'll still try to squeeze in a lot of those themed movies and events.  Madison watched a few episodes of "Suite Life on Deck," just to close out the day, but we were all reading in bed rather early tonight, and praying as well.  We've got to get up earlier, because we'll be off and returning one more time to Florida tomorrow.  Back and forth and back and forth.    

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