Thursday, September 17, 2020

Beach Walk

Another KidPak Zoom meeting.  The funny thing is that I had the best backdrop of all, the Atlantic Ocean.  But that would probably be a bit too distracting.  Also, possibly too loud.  The ocean waves were pretty lively early on today.  But we met for a while and discussed the registration process and all the weird intricacies of opening children's services during a pandemic.  Quite a bit to discuss!  Afterwards, Pastor Lance and a few others spent some time talking with Nana on the computer, and that was very nice.  It was good to sit and talk with her, and listen to her as well.

We were doing a great deal of packing today, getting things out of the condo and loading up the car somewhat.  We were donating some things too, and just spending a lot of time cleaning up the place to help make it look more presentable for any tours that might come through.  Already, there are two appointments tomorrow, and a few more on Saturday.  People are interested in checking it out.

We walked along the shoreline again, and I was snapping some pictures there and there.  It was later tonight, and the sun was setting.  But the clouds were gorgeous, as were these birds that were still hanging around, looking about the waves for a free meal.

It was nice tonight, because Uncle George, Mommy and myself were able to get away for a bit.  We walked southward this time, as towards Daytona Beach there seemed to be a storm brewing, and you just never know.  But it was heading out to see, and that was nice.

These occasions with George and her brother have been more frequent lately, of course, but not quite as much in the previous years.  This is just due to his flight schedules and of course Mommy being busy as well.  This year has brought them back together frequently in person, although they speak over the phone a lot.  

Mommy has had a difficult few weeks, of course.  She hasn't been able to rest or relax much, so these walks have been good for her.  I imagine her time at home when we return will be nice as well.  

It was again a beautiful evening.  There were not many people along the beach, but there were plenty of birds and shells, and there was a peaceful feeling as there always is.  We let the water lap up over our feet, and just took in the beautiful view all around us.

This is a close-up of a pelican flying in front of that storm we saw earlier, the one heading out to sea.  I usually bring my camera with me to snap photos of things when I see them, unless of course the plan is to jump into the water somewhat and get soaked!

George took a few moments to just reflect, to think, and to take in the serene atmosphere all around.  The beach is good therapy.

And it's beautiful too.  I love the colors reflected on the smooth and glassy surface of the shoreline there, a thin layer of water creating a mirror image of the beautiful sunset above it.

Mommy and her brother stopped for a picture, knowing these are not as frequent, and knowing this was a rather important moment along our family timeline.  

Afterwards, we joined Nana out on the balcony as the sun went down further.  She is getting better, though she still has her moments.  She was married to Ba-Ba for over 65 years, and that has been all she's known. It's okay for her to grieve, for her to be reminded frequently that her husband is not there by her side anymore.  But her children are, and he knew that we would take care of her.  Ba-Ba thanked Mommy for that, for taking care of his wife.  And we'll be doing that.

This was our last night here, at least until early next week.  Tomorrow we'll return home, but George will stay with his mother to help take care of things.  We've been taking shifts in that department, wanting to be there for her.  Soon, there'll be the ceremony, and there'll be the return home.  We'll take it all one day at a time.

Madison was quiet today, and we're hoping she's feeling okay.  It may be that she's simply tired, but we did talk with her for a time, or at least we tried to.  She had a good day with Camille, of course, and a busy one tonight with two taekwondo classes.  

They've been enjoying the week together, and we have peace about her at the house with Camille, although we're somewhat disgusted with the house itself choosing to do dumb things, like the oven or the toilet or the sink.  And the cockroaches.  What's up with that?  And Madison's lamp went out.  All in this same month here.  It's embarrassing.  But it's fine, and they're all doing well together.

We said our prayers together tonight, and we watched some television with Nana - the usual game shows and a few other things.  But it was time for bed earlier tonight, and all of us were ready for that.  I think it's all starting to catch up with us.

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