Friday, December 15, 2017

Move Bus! Get out of the Way!

We were about to see the Elf on the Shelf here... when this happened.  Move bus!  Get out of the way!

For those unfamiliar, this was a bit of a meme for a time.  There was a Weather Channel camera set up for some time, waiting to record the implosion of the Georgia Dome.  And just at the right time after the countdown, and right when the building was coming down, this big Marta bus drove up in front of the camera.  It stayed there until the event was over, and moved on.  And the camera person was livid, of course.  In some ways, this video was more entertaining than the actual recorded footage of the implosion itself.  For a few weeks now, people were posting pictures of themselves or other things, all with a big Marta bus in front.  Jingle Bell must have got the same idea!

Today Madison did her presentation on American slaves after the Civil War, and she did it entirely by herself.  This entire display and the presentation were all completely Madison by herself.  Last year, we helped a bit with the turtle project, but this year was all her.  All of the kids had their projects to share, and each one was done well.

It has been chilly outside, and our snow people are still in the front yard, along with the other ones in the neighborhood.  That makes seven days at least.  They say if snow is on the ground for three days at least, it will return again.  I guess six days makes it twice as likely, right?

Tonight we had to see Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Madison is already worried about Agent May, who looks like she's in peril at the moment.  This poor character has had it rough the last few seasons, and hopefully will have a few shining moments soon enough.  Otherwise, we enjoyed the show together.  Mommy, Madison and Daddy are on the bed upstairs, under the big blanket watching in the guest room.  It's our new tradition.  We started watching this on our own five years ago, and here we are with Madison now.  She's definitely into it, and the Marvel characters in general.

Yes, the new Star Wars movie came out tonight.  But we're not big on crowds being too big - we'll catch the movie next week, more than likely.  It's a must.  Madison is really wanting to see that one next.

So yeah, we were staying up late and wishing we were on Christmas break already.  Seriously, Hall County starts their Christmas break now, and we're in school another week.  It all evens out though, as we start a week later.

Still, we're having some great fun this week, with Christmas movies, lights, and a few other trips - including one we hope to go on tomorrow.  You'll have to go to the next page to see what that is...

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