Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Live to Give

Madison started her new club this afternoon, something she was wanting to do called "Live to Give." It's the "Live to Give" club.  Basically it's all about doing community service.  No, she didn't get in trouble and have to do community service.  She's volunteering for this.  True story!

We're very proud of her.  Madison's heart is such a place of beauty.  She was weeding around the school with the others, and listening to a teacher talk about ways that everyone can work together to help make this world a better place.  Given the state of this world today, it would be perfect if everyone was a part of the Live to Give club.

We visited with Nana and Ye-Ye tonight after piano class, and like Mrs. Pam's house, theirs is coming  along.  The trees are off of the roof, and the tarp is up there.  In fact, the roof might be repaired by this weekend, which is just in time for the next series of rain showers.

Tonight, we got home later, but we still read some from a few old Halloween-themed books, including this one by Jerry Seinfeld that we love.  It is such a hilarious look back at these pathetic costumes we had when we were growing up.

This is the Batman mask that Daddy wore four years in a row.  I don't actually remember this, because I was pretty young.  But Nana and Ye-Ye tell me I was Batman over and over again, and this was the mask that we all wore.  As Jerry Seinfeld hilariously reminds us, it has this awful rubber band string stapled to the sides that digs into your skin behind your ears, and constantly snaps so that you have to keep retying the thing.  All the while, you're attempting to breath through these tiny holes that are all moist, while the edges around the eyes are pressed into your face... and that's just the mask.  The costume portion is hilarious too, this weak ribbon holding it all up.  Mommy and Daddy got such a kick out of this book - it's called "Halloween" if you ever see a copy available.

We also read Tim Burton's original "Nightmare Before Christmas," a book that had his original artwork in it.  Another magical reading, almost as fun as "The Night Before Christmas" in our house, as Jack Skellington is a big deal.  We just loved seeing that movie last week on the cruise ship.

There was one more book we read with Fly Guy, a book called "Frankenfly."  It was a great bit of thematic reading tonight before bed, hopefully making up for the fact that Daddy hasn't been to the library to get the next book yet.  We'll get there this week.  Daddy has a overdue fine to pay of twenty cents, and I'd better get there to pay that before the librarian comes after me!

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