Tuesday, January 19, 2016

National Popcorn Day and Beyond

Today was National Popcorn Day, although to this household, pretty much every day is National Popcorn Day.  As if we need to have another reason to eat popcorn.  But there it was.  Tonight, we sat down to the next Kung Fu Panda movie with our big tub of popcorn.  Yes, there it is again. If you did a search query on this blog using the word 'popcorn,' I'm afraid it would not be terribly helpful, as the word is used in nearly every day's entry.

Today was Tuesday, and it was a weird one.  For example, we had a fire marshal visit the office to begin with.  This guy was different from the last fire marshal, in that the one we've been used to has been more New Testament, and this new guy is clearly more Old Testament.

Here's an excerpt from an email I sent out, dealing with the aftermath:

     We've had a visit from the fire marshal this morning - and it wasn't pretty.  One side effect of the visit was this information:  you can't have styrofoam on the stage unless it is coated with some sort of fire repellant.  This brings to mind a few questions:

1.  How come styrofoam is bad, but carpet is good?  Both produce poisons when burned.  And carpet actually catches fire, whereas styrofoam... melts.

2.  Aren't stores like Michael's and Hobby Lobby violating the fire code as well?  They have shelves full of styrofoam.  And what about florists?  Those places have got to be fiery explosions waiting to happen!

3.  Who is paying this guy off?  Is it another church, or is it a fire repellant company?

     Okay, jokes aside, a scheduling problem rose up:  we cannot start Star Wars on February 7th.  It is looking more like February 14th, so we can coat the styrofoam with fire repellant as well.  Or, at least so someone else can.

     THAT SAID, we want to do the message for Sadness on January 31st, and the message for Fear on February 7th.  But I don't know if we can do a skit on February 7th, because I'm not sure if everyone can be there.  Is this something you can let me know?  Can you all be here on February 7th?  Let me know, please!

Check yes or no:

❏  Yes, I'll be there!
❏  No, sadly I have other plans that very day!
❏  Let's set fire to JoAnne's and see what happens!

PS:  Also as a helpful friendly reminder from your local Fire Marshal:

A.  It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to have a standard Yankee Candle Company candle in a jar.  This is apparently because part of it can actually catch fire.  Rather than risk this awful calamity, if you are looking for a way to disperse a pleasant fragrance, we recommend this:  purchase one of those ridiculous wall spraying things that seems to know when to spray you in the face each time you walk by.  Breathing that in is surely much more safe than having a deadly candle of death.

B.  Do you have extension cords in your house?  You might as well have a nest of poisonous vipers!  Throw these cords of doom out immediately, as they are merely tools of the devil, designed to introduce your home to the flames he is so familiar with.

So yeah, that was the theme of the day.  There are electricians coming in, no doubt happily paying the fire marshal off a little from the money they're making for moving electric sockets from point A to point B.  The humor of one of the sockets is that you have to now literally cross my office in the darkness to get to the light switch.

We had piano after work today, and Madison has been doing well there.  She's learning a piece by Anton Dvorak, his "New World Symphony."  She plays that, and all Daddy hears is the song from "Little Einsteins" about Rocket needing a home.

Until recently, he didn't know the name of this composition.  It's called the "New World Symphony."  If you haven't heard this tune before, or watched "Little Einsteins," you may have heard it playing before appearances by the New World Order in the wrestling ring.  Yes, before Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, and Kevin Nash would start thrashing opponents, they'd get the crowd all riled up with a stirring rendition of the "New World Symphony."  Good times.

Okay, so tonight's homework was about King Midas.  Yes, Madison read the classic warning fable about the good king whose very touch turned everything to solid gold.  The moral of the story is to be happy with what you have, which in this version of the story, he did learn just to be just that.  Madison read that, and we were thinking back to the movie "Aladdin and the King of Thieves," which had a character that learned the same thing.

We helped Madison with this, and then soon after the movie and homework, and time with her devotional, it was time for bed.  We got ready for bed tonight, and read our book that featured more learning for Madison - Rush Revere and his crew were at the Constitutional Convention.  We've been pretty happy with this book.  While I would assume it the topic was somewhat dry, Madison is still listening very well, and learning about the Senate and House of Representatives.

Madison went to bed tonight with a smile on her face, not worrying about turning things to gold with her touch, without visits from the NWO, and even worse, without a visit from the fire marshal.  Mommy and Daddy went to bed tonight with smiles on their faces, as tonight was the big premiere of "Agent Carter."

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