Monday, December 4, 2023

December Testing

Maddie has been at taekwondo all along, and tonight was a night for testing too, as that happens once every few months.  I can't believe it's gone by so quickly!

The first part of the class was leadership, and the students involved with Team Edge were doing their training for a presentation this Friday at Edgestravaganza.  There's another sneak peek this Wednesday night where the team will perform together.  

I brought my camera along.  There weren't any group shots, as I no one advanced to a new belt tonight - it was all mid-term testing.  Maddie did very well.  There was practice of the form, and sparring, and one of Maddie's favorite things, combat with a stick!

When it was Maddie's time to come up to break boards, she was flawless.  It was surprising to her, as she's had trouble the last few attempts, but it always works out at testing that she breaks the boards - both of them - on her first try!

It was a good night for her and the other students, and the start of a big week.  Every week in December is a big one though!  But for the Edge team, it's a big week, and things are looking great.

Maddie was so ready with her form she was instructing others with it, showing them the way.  This is part of the black belt ceremony training they were doing tonight.  Maddie will be one of the ones in that ceremony this Friday, as she's earned a second-degree black belt.

We're super proud of her!  It's apparently a belt testing tradition now to go get boba tea afterwards, so yeah... that's what we did!

Getting home, we did some great Christmas stuff.  We watched "A Christmas Story" tonight, watching Flick make his terrible mistake again, watching dad get a major award from Italy, and watching the family go out for Chinese turkey.  Then after that, time for bed - the Wintersmith is gone, although the book is not quite wrapped up yet.  I suspect that will be tomorrow.  

Mom and I were listening to this "Scrooge Advent," an audio theater version of "A Christmas Carol," with each day leading up to December 25th a different part of that classic story.  Mom and I sit and listen in every day to the new daily entry.  And as for Jingle Bell the elf, and Snowflake his friend, they had a simple message for Maddie this morning.

She's continuing her routine in the morning - advent calendars by the bedroom door with LEGO Star Wars kits to assemble, in addition to that the Star Wars mini figures with a Christmas theme.  It's a fun season!

I was over at a middle school today doing a presentation on rocks and minerals, teaching about six classes all at once, all gathered together in the library.  The rest of the day was a bit of driving about, but other than that, we were catching up on some rest - the past weekend was exhausting!

It's been good though, and we are filled with gratitude.

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