Saturday, September 15, 2018

Star Wars Cookies

Look what we made for the 501st tomorrow!  Mommy cut out the patterns for a Mandalorian, a Yoda, Stormtroopers and a Darth Vader, and that's when Madison and Daddy got to work with the sprinkles,  decorating the cookies at the kitchen table.  Some of them turned out pretty good.  Madison wanted to make a purple Darth Vader, and her Mandalorian at the bottom there looks pretty good.  We made about thirty cookies or so, which means everyone can have some sweet treats tomorrow in the morning.  We've got some special guests as we've had the past few weekends, so it'll be a nice surprise.  We had a few episodes of "Star Wars Rebels" playing as we were decorating our cookies, the delicious smell filling the house.

Tonight, we were back with our October-themed movie series, watching "The Corpse Bride," which features that one piano scene early on that got Madison thinking...

"I wonder if I could play that."  It turns out the sheet music is pretty readily available from multiple sources, so Daddy was pretty quick to download it for her.  This might be something she can work at until Halloween, which would be pretty cool, actually.  We'll print it out tonight, and we'll see!
We went to the library today, and there we picked up "The Penultimate Peril," which is book twelve of "A Series of Unfortunate Events."  We started reading tonight, this after the devotional and before prayers and zerberts.  We're really at the homestretch now with these books.

Mommy did some grocery shopping for tomorrow's church service, and Daddy worked on that Haunted Mansion game some more, while Madison was working on this one class assignment, a pov message that she wrote from the perspective of a Trojan horse computer virus.  It was pretty unique, to say the least, and we'll close with that one right now.  Goodnight!

The Trojan Horse’s View

        I just wanted to find a peaceful home for my family.  Theonlyway we could get a new computer home was when someone would download something they thought was virus-free.   Little did they know, it wasn’tvirus free.  That’s how we got in!
      That’s how we work our business.  People buy something online, and we sneak in along with it.  Now if we’re inside a computer, we don’t mean to break things, see private information, or take complete control. It just sort of happens whenever we’re in household electronics, like smart televisions, refrigerators, smart phones, and computers.
      It was very exciting the day someone bought a program we were hidden inside.  We were like those Trojan soldiers hidden inside a giant wooden horse that looked just like us! It is a gift horse, and nobody ever expects us inside!
      We sneak into everyone’s devices, and have fun playing around.  We may break things, or even shut down everything completely, but I promise it is an accident.  At least I think it was, because I can’t remember much since we wiped out all of the memory on that last computer.
      There are plenty of places we go to, but we can’t go to homes that have smart people living in them.  Smart people make sure they don’t open untrustworthy attachments in emails. Smart people also ignore sites that are pretty suspicious by asking you to install plugins or download files. Smart people are so rude.  What do they think we are, chopped liver?  
    I am thankful that many people aren’t that smart.  My friends and I can play hide-and-seek, sneaking into so many computers! What fun!
      So download as many programs as you can, and you can keep us from being homeless. Don’t let us down.  Tell your friends by sending them a suspicious email today!

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