Sunday, July 26, 2015

Begin Your Adventure!

We had a pretty epic day today, all starting out with two services at KidPak, which went really well by the way!  You can see above some of the heroes from our newest adventure series, the ones that are trying to find out the meaning of the medallion, as well as rescue the Professor, who happens to be me. Madison likes the whole series a lot, as does Daddy, who is always into Indiana Jones stuff.  Lots of fun, with great messages.  Today's message was about avoiding pitfalls, or avoiding tempting situations.

We left church today, and instead of driving home... we drove to Satellite Beach.  Yes, that's a long drive, especially when you start the drive at about two or three in the afternoon.  But Sodapalooza got Daddy some caffeine, which really works well when you don't have much caffeine that often.  As usual, we had traffic in Atlanta, and Henry County.  Speaking of which, it just so happens that they have all these billboards there with our adventure theme:

They've got this adventure theme going on with their board of tourism.  This is I believe to offset the image of Henry County that some may have gotten over the years, having endured immensely inconvenient traffic jams (well documented on this blog!).

We made a few stops along the way at various rest areas, but ours was a mission that was straight forward:  get to Satellite Beach before it was too late.  And stay awake, too.  That helps.  The new car did just wonderfully - we listened to all sorts of music on the little nanopod, and Madison was playing games and watching movies in the backseat.

We did see three different rainbows on the way down, the strongest one along interstate 10 - this served to give us a heads up, as we were about to enter a pretty heavy rainstorm.  There was another rainbow, and rainstorm, along I-95 on the way down as well.

But we did make it, and there was much warmth and happiness as we poured into the condo.  We found it entirely based on memory, by the way - no maps.  And no problems either, although we give credit to God for that, and grace over our travels on the way down.

So, just as Henry County's billboards suggest, it's time to 'begin our adventure.'  It's going to be a great week!

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