Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Birthday G-Gma!

Today was a nice day for a drive, over the river and through the woods - to Grandmother's house we went!  It was technically Madison's great-grandmother, but that's too many syllables to sing in that song.  It was to celebrate her 85th birthday, and also somewhat of an early Thanksgiving celebration.  Everyone brought a different food item, and despite the gloomy weather outside, our spirits were warm inside the house.  It was there that we spent a few hours talking, eating and of course opening cards and gifts.  And then eating again.

In a few weeks we'll see her again as she comes up for Thanksgiving to our house, but it was good to see her again for her birthday.  The drive to White County was quick and scenic.  Mommy and Daddy plugged in Christmas music, and the three of us drove through Dawson and Lumpkin Counties to get up there to Cleveland.  This was the place where Daddy went to high school, and lived for a bit - so there was a lot of looking back at landmarks and so forth.  With no actual people around, the connections are somewhat lost - but many memories still remain.  Madison spent a good deal of time looking out the window as the scenery went by, although on the way back she was very much into her Leapster Explorer.  That's her weapon of choice lately on these drives, although the Kindle makes appearances as well.

Daddy went to work to set up a skit for tomorrow, one that features Pac Man, Inky and Blinky.  It's pretty short, and certainly quirky.  But it should be a bit of fun, as the kids like slapstick and that's all Pac Man is when it comes down to it.  There is always someone chasing someone else around.

Ah, Pac Man.  More memories there - when I was in middle school, I had Pac Man sheets on the bed.  I loved that pattern, and can remember the Christmas that I got it.  I would love to see that pattern again - I might even consider putting it on our bed!  Although Mommy might veto that idea...

     Like Pac-Man, sometimes we may feel like we're always being chased around by problems! God's Word can empower us though – picture Pac-Man gobbling up some power, and suddenly chasing away those troubles. He's got something in him, and now he's the one in control!
     Life is still an adventure, but when we gobble up God's Word, we'll feel a bit more in charge, won't we? Think of, reread, and write down some of your favorite scriptures and promises of God. They'll give you power!

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