Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pipe Organ

So Madison has discovered the key of d minor, and also the pipe organ feature on the keyboard.  She's been playing "Silly Old Clown" in d minor, but as you know, pretty much any song can be played in d minor.  And no matter what the song, it will always come out sounding melancholy, or at least somewhat menacing.  So tonight as Daddy was at church getting ready for service, Madison was practicing songs in the key of d minor, each one played with the pipe organ sound.

Picture a vexed Davy Jones or a tormented Captain Nemo, playing some passionate piece of music in another room - Mommy, Nana and Ba-Ba were in the kitchen as deep in the recesses of our stately manor, Madison's fingers attacked the keyboard in mournful refrain!  It's haunting melody permeates throughout the house, sending ominous chills up the spine.

We had some more time with the grandparents today, or at least Madison did.  She also had time with her "Kids in the Kitchen" class after school.  These extra classes have been pretty good for Madison - in a word, they're "enriching."  She's made all kinds of creative entries, including the recent favorite, "ants on a log."  They aren't real ants, of course.  At least I don't think they were.  The reason we don't really get to see what she's creating is because SHE EATS it long before she gets to the car for pick up.  Which is fine, of course!

Tonight was our last night with the series "Under Construction."  We're going to a military theme next month, and a month of thinking about our folks overseas serving our country.  To that end, Daddy's been writing some new material for our videos, getting kids focused on being thankful for these brave men and women.  Another aspect of this are the so-called hidden stories of early America - nothing made up, but real stories that the kids can relate to, and stories that remind us of where our nation's mentality was at the very beginning.

The weather is cool.  Not spectacularly cold like winter, but cold enough to make those returning snow birds regret their decision to flock up north.  In fact, according to the news, this "winter" storm coming across the country dumping inches of snow on places north of here.  It's May 1st.  And it's snowing again.  This year, they decided to name the snow storms, but perhaps it would have been better to wait until next year, because they actually - and I'm not making this up - ran out of names.  They actually named this one "Achilles" because they had to start the alphabet all over again.  As the storm sweeps across the country, we'll expect some cool winds and rain for the next few days - not a very nice welcome for our in-laws from Florida!

And the rain continues.  It's on-and-off, here and there.  And it certainly isn't the torrential downpour we've had occasionally the last few weeks.  But it still keeps raining.  And it still stays overcast.  The lake is rising, and that sort of brings us full circle to Captain Nemo again, doesn't it?

Madison plays on - we'll get her the sheet music for Toccata and Fugue in D Minor next...

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