Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Daddy and Lance picked up Madison from school today, as Mommy is still out shopping for plenty of costuming material for the upcoming Christmas production.  Anyway, Lance had the bright idea of stopping by Starbucks, which has nothing to do with Battlestar Galactica.  It does have everything to do with a coffee craze that has swept this generation for the past fifteen or twenty years.  Blame us for craving overpriced coffee.  Mommy and Daddy used to go to local coffee houses before the Starbucks came around - now they're all gone.  That's pretty much the equivalent of the Wal-Mart coming and shutting local businesses down.  But of course, you don't hear anyone complaining about Starbucks, because that's somehow different.

But I digress.  We're not anti-Starbucks here, although Mommy finds their coffees a bit strong.  Daddy got a cold drink with the words "peppermint" and "mocha" involved, which is in essence a fancy caffeinated milkshake.  It tasted pretty good - and as Lance was buying, we got Madison an apple juice.  It was an "organic apple juice," which on the surface seems like a slightly redundant title - but I do get the whole "artificial sweetener" thing.  Regardless, Madison chugged it down quickly, as she was thirsty.  

When we arrived at the office, she was interested in trying out what Daddy was drinking, and lo!  Here was another recordable moment.  For posterity, in the picture above is Madison sipping her first Starbuck's beverage, surrounded by the support group that is Daddy, Lance and our new friend Christy-Anne, who happens to be a certified Starbuck's coffee master.  NOTE:  She is only taking a few sips, and not drinking the whole thing.

For the record, Daddy and Mommy aren't exactly coffee drinkers.  We do enjoyed the Maui coffees, but we're not those types that need to have coffee each morning.  I know that's the sort of thing you say, and people look at you funny:

Today was Madison's first cooking class after school.  The "Learning with Legos" classes ended, and now we begin an exciting new series of classes about cooking.  Or at least learning to cook.  When Lance and Daddy went to pick up Madison, she was actually carrying an egg that she cooked - on toast.  On a plate.  Needed to clarify that last part.  Anyway, she was busy munching her own creation, and Daddy is so proud.  By the time she's done with these classes, she'll have more cooking knowledge than Daddy.  Which, of course, isn't say much at all.  Presently, I can use a toaster.

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