Friday, November 16, 2012


Madison picked up her melodica - if you don't know what that is, we don't blame you.  We had to look up the word just moments ago.  It's a keyboard/woodwind instrument - this toy version we purchased at Cracker Barrel some time ago.  She's played it from time to time, just testing out the notes and so forth.  But this time around, she picked up on the fact that it's pretty much like her piano - and she decided to try out her recital song, "Clap Your Hands."

That's the video you see here, which was a fun surprise for Mommy and Daddy - and hopefully you as well!  

Friday was a day for work, and the last day of school for Madison for a week.  She did some Thanksgiving-related assignments at work, which thrilled Daddy as well.  She was able to tell us about where the Pilgrims came from and after some coaching, even the boat they sailed across the seas on.

She really is learning a lot, and learning quickly.  Little moments are passing by quickly all of the sudden - these landmark occasions where those basic educational building blocks are in place, whereas they weren't there before.  Example:  Madison can count to 100 now.  She just started listing the months of the year in order as well.  She knows the days of the week in order as well.  She'll do all of these in the back of the car, out loud of course.  But we don't stop her, because we're happy to hear it!

Although... we might need a small break on the melodica, if you know what I mean...

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