Sunday, November 11, 2012

High Tea

After service today, Madison set up a table in the middle of the office and decided to have tea.  There are a lot of people in the office at that time, so everyone was invited to sit down at one point or another - even an old friend our ours, Daniel.

The picture at the top was posted on a social network, taken by a cell phone.  An employee here, Chris, was enjoying her high tea very much, as Madison is always an excellent host.

Her office behavior is so much fun.  She took that really big megaphone in the office, and right while everyone was working spoke loudly through it - directing her voice right at Josh:


I have no idea where she picked up this phrase from.  But apparently Josh was chosen for something.  He nodded in appreciation and told  her thanks, and she went on her way.

A little later she came back and used her megaphone once more:


Josh was stunned here.  He turned to her and said, "I'm not chosen?"

Madison put the megaphone down, smiled and told him, "Just kidding.   You're really chosen."


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