Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fall Movie Bash

It was a pretty long day for Daddy, from services in the morning to the Fall Movie Bash in the afternoon to Christmas drama practice in the evening - a full day, but a fun day.  Madison was at church for most of this time, enjoying it all the way!  She went to the Fall Movie Bash with many other children, and together we all watched the movie "Arthur Christmas" on the big screen.  Here she is in the audience, sitting with some friends.

She had a great day, and in the afternoon quite a Christmasy sort of day.  The movie, of course, had that flair.  But afterwards, we entertained the kids on stage with different skits and movies - and Daddy came out with the world famous Wisenheimer invention.  It is a helmet that "reads minds" and puts up what you're thinking on the screen.  Or, in this case, it put up on the big movie screen just what you should get for Christmas.  The guy who was helping Daddy pick kids to try this out actually picked Madison about halfway through - and guess what her gift on the screen was?  And iPad!  Of course, it had to be the most expensive thing up there!

She had a great time, and so did we.  The movie was actually pretty good - it just came out in theaters last year.  We had Christmas music playing, and all the kids were munching on popcorn throughout.  It was a holly, jolly afternoon!

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