Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sea of Orange

Daddy loves this picture.  Today we went to Burt's Pumpkin Farm after school - it was a surprise for Madison, and not the last one this month.  Mommy got her into a pumpkin-themed outfit, and together we climbed into the car and drove towards Ellijay, where in the heart of the North Georgia Mountains you can find a place just packed with pumpkins.

It's a sea of orange, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes on the ground everywhere.  Bluegrass music plays overhead as you walk through rows and rows of orange, orange, orange.  The colors were so vibrant:  the sky so blue contrasted against the orange of the pumpkins.  But the colors of the leaves on the trees were changing too, and although it was closer to dusk, the temperature was just right for a pumpkin expedition.

It's a great tradition.  As you can see above, Madison went for her annual ride in the wheel barrow - and soon afterwards was picking some pumpkins of her own.  Obviously, she chooses the smaller ones - but she hasn't picked orange ones in a while.  Today she picked this grey, flat one - and a perfectly round white pumpkin.  Adding to her collection, she got a mini-pumpkin, the only orange one in her pile.  Meanwhile, Daddy found a perfect pumpkin right away!  The key is getting here early - there are more pumpkins.  This also makes for some great photo opportunities.

We didn't do the hay ride, as we didn't have as much time.  But we did spend about an hour walking about and looking at all the pumpkins.  Some of these were so big this year!

When we got home, it was time for some homework (this week's letter was "t"), and then some more Scooby Doo!  She's been enjoying the mysteries lately, announcing clues to everyone as they come.  At bedtime after prayers, we continued our fairy story - almost done with it!  Just three chapters to go, and things are getting tense.  Madison is listening carefully, throwing out commentary occasionally about the peril of the fairies.  Prayers have been sweet - Madison always adds her thoughts and prayers.  She slept peacefully after that - another full day.

Mommy and Daddy snuck downstairs, turned on the X-box, and watched the Vice Presidential Debate.   There's a good scripture in the Bible that sums up what we heard tonight - it's a funny one someone shared with us:

"If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet." Proverbs 29:9 (ESV)

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