Sunday, November 6, 2011


Madison has been taking baby Madison for a stroll lately, all over the house. An interesting moment came when she put Baby Madison in the kitchen, over by the refrigerator. She then walked up to us and pointed to the doll, telling us, "She's in China."

At this point, Madison went over to get her and put her back into the stroller again - a family reunited!

Today was a fantastic day at church with a big start to our series on the Fruit of the Spirit. Everything went very well, and the kids enjoyed it all. It was very cool to see Madison and Mommy at the service this morning, also getting into it. Mommy took several good pictures from Sunday's service - here below you can see a photo of Lance trying to memorize Galatians 5:22-23, while a shoulder angel and devil try to steer him in different directions.

It was a fun skit - the kids loved it. Afterwards, though, we had to work on more videos - so no going home directly for Daddy. We're doing a lot of work now so that we can get away for vacation next week. Only a few more days left!

Still, Daddy did get home in time for milk and a movie together. We watched a Christmas episode of "Goof Troop," and pretty much all of us went to bed together after that. Daylight Savings time had us a bit tired, and in addition to all the other church work, we were pretty worn out. Time for bed!

"We've been through this. It's a harp, and you know it."
- Kronk's Shoulder Angel

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