Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Curious Madison

Today we were at it again in the morning - Madison crawled into bed with us and slept another hour on Daddy's chest. It took a while for all of us to start stirring this morning - there are some mornings where it just takes longer to get up, I guess!

Mommy spent much of the day recovering, and Daddy spent much of the day at work, so it was what we in the business like to call "a slow news day" for Madison.

Sadly, it doesn't sound like a slow news day elsewhere in the world.

This evening, to help Mommy out, Ye-Ye and Nana volunteered to take Madison over to their house for some fun, which turned out to be a great idea. Daddy went over to their house a little later in the evening, and got sucked in: there they all were, eating popcorn and watching Curious George on the television set. In the middle of the living room was constructed a new house for Kai-Lan out of those same megablocks, and even Asaph was in on the action. Everyone was having a great time.

We stayed until the end of the movie, and then wished everyone a good night. Outside, the stars shine brilliantly, though the air is still quite cold. Tomorrow promises to warm up some for us, which will be good. Everyone has stayed inside this past week, with the temperature being so low. We're starting to go crazy!

At work today, Daddy printed up a few prewriting worksheets for Madison. They look like this:

The idea is to get her drawing a straight line, by tracing the lines across on the worksheet. Some worksheets are horizontal like this one, while others are vertical. Others zig-zag or curve, but all of them get her in the habit of controlling a pencil or pen so that she can go on to tackle things like letters, numbers and shapes. We'll be practicing this a lot more this week, and balancing that with a little more time on the computer as well.

She's a really bright kid, but I suppose I'm sort of biased!

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