Friday, November 18, 2022

Thanksgiving Combat Weapon Fight!

Maddie had some fun with combat weapon fights tonight!  You can see her here doing a vertical leap to score a headshot, which of course is worth a bit more.

She's pretty good with the combat weapons, able to strike quickly and use some solid mental strategy to predict or outwit her opponents.  She had a great time with that while we were off doing a bit of grocery shopping.  We were picking up some things for making Mom's traditional Christmas snack, but we also had a few other items too, including props for a super Thanksgiving skit for this weekend.

This afternoon, we had a great time with the annual Wisdom Club Luncheon, a wonderful celebration with the seniors of our church.  You can see Dr. Mark Rutland up there, speaking to everyone in attendance, this shortly after a big Thanksgiving meal.  We've had four of these big Thanksgiving meals at the church the last four days, and a huge chicken-giveaway too at the church... lots going on!

Here's Mom with Nana, and a few of the other girls - and a guy - there.  This is part of the line for the food.  Nana wasn't wanting to go, a trend lately, and then after much convincing, of course she has a great time just like we knew she would!

Dr. Rutland was hilarious and the food was delicious, and the atmosphere there was something very special, an almost sacred sort of meal we have each year amongst our church family.  

I'm usually there serving, but they had me taking photos, which I enjoyed doing too.  There was a horse-drawn carriage outside that I was taking pictures for, and the whole afternoon was just a wonderful memory.

We got home after that, and of course there was getting ready for taekwondo.  It was a good day - we caught up on some programming, and then after that it was time for reading, and prayers too.  It was a great day today!

Maddie's pov:
I had made this turkey (oreo) cookie below in my early childhood class. It tasted super sweet as it should.

Anyway, I had taekwondo tonight. In leadership class, we were working with Kamas as usual. We were doing a lot of tosses with them along with our basic combos. After we finished the Kamas, we did a high jump game. I got out on the second one round, but only because of when I landed, I kind of leaned a little backwards into the pads and not because I knocked them over. Mr.Cornett for the record said I could have a second try since I was super close of staying in, but I said no cause I was gonna get out regardless whether that was the retry or the next round. That was nice though. I wasn't the first one luckily. Abdu was the first one, and then the round after me getting out, Brayden, this one kid that was like "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THIS" got out. There were a few others but I don't remember who it was. Lucas won on my side, and the height of the pads was basically my height (Probably a little shorter but still) and Charlie won his side. It's always so cool to see this. The top three on my side were: Lucas (winner), Estavan, and Logan Williams. For Charlie's side, it was: Charlie (winner), Jason, and it was either Louis (newer Louis) or Mia. After all this, we did some kicks and tricks and all, then it was time for black belt class.

We started black belt class off with warm ups as usual, the we started learning a new kick called the twist kick. It's a fake out kick where you start out with a front kick chamber then do a roundkick (reverse so it feels weird) and kick higher. It was hard, and honestly I did better with my left leg lol. After we did that, we went to combat weapon sparring, which I love a lot (definitely more than normal sparring). I sparred against Mia then I sparred Brenlie and then Charlie. After the 1v1 rounds, we went to teams. The taller students sparred each other (first half vs the other half) and same with my side. After each half sparred each other's teams, we did everyone for themselves (for each side). It was a really fun night with all that.

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