Saturday, November 6, 2021

Christmas Chronicles

We actually watched two Christmas Chronicles movies tonight, parts one and two.  We hadn't seen the second one yet, but we enjoyed it.  These are fun Christmas movies that add another several layers to the whole mythology of Santa.  It would be interesting to connect all these Christmas movies together, somewhat like a comic book character's history showing this adventure followed by that one, and that one and that one.  Yeah, there's some overlap here and there.  For example, in the 90's, Santa fell off the roof and what happened to Mrs. Claus then?  She's clearly not around when Buddy the Elf had his adventure in the Candy Cane Forest and New York, so I think that could fit in there.  Or there was that time recently Santa joined up with a few other Guardians to defeat Pitch, and was that right after the time that a different and more malicious Jack Frost tricked Santa into saying he wished he'd never been Santa? 

Obviously, it's not anything to think about obsessively.  Or is it?  Okay, moving on, today was a nice day today.  We did some shopping together for Neverland costuming, last-minute stuff for tomorrow at various thrift shops.  It was great weather out there today.  I was working on scripts for Neverland, and it's been fun combining the story of Scrooge with Captain Hook.  Maddie had her Team Edge practice today, and there are only a few of these left, so they've been working hard on their routines.  I was there, watching them get in synch, extending that practice to around two hours now.

I was on the treadmill today, listening to podcasts about Christmas, and Mom was getting things ready for costuming for the upcoming Christmas production.  It's going to be big, and we're working hard towards getting all the minor parts lined up.  Lots of work to do for that.

We got to bed early tonight, or at least it'll seem that way when we wake up tomorrow because it is the glorious morning of Daylight Savings Time, where we get that extra hour back that we lost last Spring.  How wonderful that will be.  We read tonight from Kingdom Keepers again, moving forward on that story, and then we said our prayers.  It was a full day today, and the Christmas decorations are starting to come out, even with some houses on the way to and from town.  It'll increase as this month draws on, and it will be nice.

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