Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Not Yeti!

Daddy made this giant board game for tomorrow night, one with a theme of going to the top of a mountain.  He's called it "Not Yeti," and it has a "Chutes and Ladders" sort of feel to it, where if players land on certain squares ("Climb Every Mountain"), they go up a few squares, and if they land on others ("Not Yet!"), they go back a few squares or more.  

Today is Tuesday, and therefore a return to piano.  Daddy went with Madison to piano, and while there, he spent more time coming up with ideas for the Dr. Seuss-themed yearbook this year at Chestatee Elementary School.

The art on this page was created by kids in the school.  They have a really good art teacher, one Madison loves dearly.  Daddy used the art to create a backdrop that hopefully works out, plus the Dr. Seuss-style poem about what the kids did that day, plus the quote from the author himself at bottom left.  This is just one of six intro pages, so we've got a bit to go, and obviously we'll replace all these photos above with actual pictures from the elementary school.  

Madison got a peek at it.  This will be the new thing for Daddy as we move forward the next month or two, coming up with hopefully some ideas for the yearbook that people like.  This was completely unexpected, and actually something Daddy wasn't really wanting to do that much - but there was a need, apparently.  

Madison did some sleepwalking again tonight, which is just surreal in so many ways.  This was long after bedtime.  She came out of her bedroom, looked down at us from upstairs, and just asked about shoes.  We were thinking of her ballerina shoes from yesterday, but were a little surprised by the question.  Casually, we went up there "to help her out," but also see that she got back into bed, which she did rather quickly.  We had a small conversation, one where Mommy asked her if she was asleep, and she said no.  And we did our typical bedtime ritual of calling each other funny names.  And then she was back asleep again in no time. 

She has no memory of this.  

She does remember the rest of the day though.  It was a full day, with art as her class and the kids all doing some illustrations on their own.  In English, she's on prepositions, simple and complex sentences.  She's doing well with her vocabulary words, of course.  One of the new words this week is "bisected."  Which isn't a word you use that often.  Still, Daddy was helpful in giving Madison a sentence example:

"Obi-Wan Kenobi bisected Darth Maul."

Coincidentally, we were reading from "Ahsoka" tonight, and sure enough, someone got bisected.  Daddy didn't read it exactly as written, as it was family bedtime and I was stunned a supportive character's death was so overboard.  We're sort of moving through this book quickly, with about two more days or so.  It's not our favorite, but it's had some moments to it.

We're also reading from the fasting devotional, which you can see the latest entry, below:

“Do not be afraid, Daniel. You decided to get more understanding. You made yourself humble as you worshiped your God. Since the first day you did those things, your words were heard. I have come to give you an answer.” Daniel 10:12 NIRV

     A lot of prayers are spoken on the mountain: prayers for guidance, prayers for healing, or prayers for humility and peace. Sometimes, the only thing you hear is an echo: your own voice bouncing back at you from the mountain ledges. As you struggle along, sometimes it seems like no one is listening at all. But don’t give up, and don’t worry – your prayers are being heard.

     Daniel had been on his fasting journey upwards for roughly three weeks. Just like you, he was praying and fasting. All during the fast, nothing is said in the Bible other than what Daniel did: “I didn’t eat any rich food. No meat or wine touched my lips. I didn’t use any lotions at all until the three weeks were over.”

     Nothing was happening. Nothing, that is, until that twenty-first day. Yes, after the fast, things changed quite a bit. Daniel got his answer! In fact, an angel told him, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. You decided to get more understanding. You made yourself humble as you worshiped your God. Since the first day you did those things, your words were heard. I have come to give you an answer.”

     The obvious thing we learn from this angel’s remarkable words is this: the very moment you began to humble yourself with prayer and fasting, God heard your prayer. In fact, the angel was sent right away to visit Daniel, but got delayed during the fast. Could that mean your answer is on the way even now as you read this? Oh yes, it could.

     Fasting is a catalyst, a power source stronger than any energy drink or energy bar. It adds real strength to your prayers, and puts you in a different lane reserved for those who are really hungry for God. Even though all may be quiet, and the only feeling you have is that of an empty stomach, the simple truth is that an answer is on the way. You’re living life in the fast lane!

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