Sunday, January 7, 2018


Today's the start of our fast, and it wasn't so bad, actually.  Sometimes it starts out that way, or perhaps it gets easier over time.  Regardless, we weren't actually even in the mood for sweets or meat today.  Perhaps that has something to do with the cold - it's cold outside.  It's so cold, in fact, that there's no school tomorrow.  At least, no school in the building.  Madison will do her schoolwork online tomorrow, because there's a chance of sleet and icing on the roads tomorrow.  She's happy about this for the right reason:  we all get to sleep in one more time.  We're getting used to these late starts, especially with chilly weather and these great big blankets.

Although this morning we didn't have a late start.  We were at the church early for the first Sunday KidPak service fo the year, and it went well.  As expected, we had our Georgia Bulldogs theme.  But it was also the start of the church fast - so there was a lot to talk about.

Daddy was there for the meeting where we came up with the "less of me, more of Him" theme, although he wasn't the one who suggested it.  It's an older idea, but it works this year.  We started our fast today, DAY ONE.  We're praying for a few things this year, amongst them healing for Mommy and Daddy.  But obviously the whole point of fasting is a recharge, a resetting, and getting closer to God.

The games today were fun - here the kids are, hiking footballs into targets on stage:

The boys finally won something this morning, so perhaps this is why they look so excited!  Regardless, this was our day to share that bottom line, "Keep Chopping."  Hopefully the local team will win tomorrow, and as always, hopes are high.  But this entire state is used to losing, so it's sort of this hedged kind of hope.  The interesting thing is that the Falcons won their playoff game yesterday, so there were a couple big wins in football for us lately.  But... we'll see!

The rest of the day was spent at home with piano, and with "Rebels."  We're watching season three now, meeting the Bendu, voiced by Tom Baker.  All this Dr. Who talk lately (Madison was laughing hysterically at the Weeping Angels in LEGO Dimensions) - it's making us curious to start watching an episode or two down the road.

We read from the Bible tonight, getting to John, chapter seven.  The last verse is a great verse for dismissal at church:

"Then they all went home."
John 7:53 NIRV

It's funny whoever divided these verses up.  Anyway, we read through a bit there, and then of course more from "The Westing Game."  And finally, from Daddy's new Elevate-themed fasting devotional, which is where we close now:

When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions.” Matthew 5:1-2 (MSG)

     The Sermon of the Mount is one of the most important messages ever spoken, but it was only spoken directly to those who were committed.

     Jesus spoke at a quiet place along the mountainside, teaching about prayer and fasting. And perhaps these were the perfect people to hear such a message. They were the committed climbers, the ones who were absolutely determined to get to a higher place with Jesus.
     As you begin your fast, you may see a mountain before you. You may see quite a climb, and you may be unsure if you can make it.
     But Jesus is there, your climbing companion. He’s alongside you, encouraging you, and helping you even when you slip. You’re in this together, even through the more challenging parts of the climb. And together, you’ll make it to that nice quiet place where you can look back at the path you’ve taken. It will be a wonderful moment, a place where you’ll hear and learn directly from Jesus.
     You’ll make it up to the top because you’re committed, and you’re climbing with Him. 

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